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"What the hell..?" Livia mumble to herself as she look at the people that surrounding her bed, she just woke up and people that around her would give her headache or even cursing at them in no time

"Why the hell you guys look at me like that?!" She ask

"Who asked you to sleep so beautifully and peacefully when Satoru and his friends are talking loudly outside?" Chuya ask

Livia sigh and shake her head. She then look at Ranpo who have all the sweets to himself. Now she thinks that she haven't eaten any sweets these days.

"Ranpo, give me some!" She whine

"No." Ranpo shake his head and hug his sweet foods closely

"I'm hungry." She said frowning

"Give her some, Ranpo." Chuya sigh as he snatch a bag of cookies from Ranpo

"Dazai must buy me another bag of cookies later." Ranpo said as he chew on some chips

Chuya shrugs and hand over the cookies to Livia without saying anything. Livia happily thank the older and start to eat the cookies while thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?" Chuya ask

"I'm thinking of making a new gang." Livia said, making all of them there gasping dramatically

"Why so dramatic? I can handle Black Crow too okay? I'm not useless as Dazai." She said shrugging

"A new gang? Gang like Toman or Tenjiku?" Gin ask

"Yeah, gang like that but the main focus here is not doing some illegal stuff like Black Crow but instead just for fun? Like a group of friends hanging out? But of course there's fight if other gang decide to pick fight with us." Livia explain

"Will there be divisions too?" Kyouka ask

"Yeah, there will be four divisions. I will think about it later." Livia said, smiling slightly

"Talking about making a new small gang under Black Crow, what is the gang name?" Ranpo ask

"Black Serpent. That's sounds good." Livia response

"Nice nice, Black Crow, Black Dragon and Black Serpent. Your idea is really good Nakano-chan." Akio said, nodding his head

"Can I join?" Ranpo ask bluntly

Livia look at Ranpo and tilt her head a little. Why someone like Ranpo want to join a new gang again? Maybe he don't really have works to do.

She nods her head as a yes which making Ranpo's eyes sparkling with excitement. Usually the lady boss wouldn't let him join any other gang under Black Crow, she thinks it's enough for him to be a detective at port mafia and the agency.

"Oh yes! Now I don't have to worry that Chuya will bully me." Ranpo said, grinning happily

"That shorty bully you also?" Livia ask

Chuya grit his teeth and glare at the lady boss. He got it that he's short, shorter than Livia and Mikey but she don't have to say that. Oh well, he can't do anything to the lady boss unless he have a death wish.

"Yes." Ranpo nods

"Lmao, I just remembered that Chuya is shorter than Nakano." Akio said, laughing

"For only 5 cm, she's taller than me for 5 cm." Chuya said rather with a sad tone

"Pftt Mikey is taller than you for 2 cm, so.." Gin said, trying her best to hold her laugh

"Sigh, I know that." Chuya said, sighing in defeat

There's no way he will beat them for calling him short, well except for Dazai. If Dazai call him short he would beat the shit out of Dazai without any hesitation.


"I'm wondering if Nakano is doing good?" Shinichiro ask as he inhale and exhale the smoke from his cigarette

Izana look at the oldest and mentally sigh. Everything happened is just too fast. He almost couldn't process anything else. Their sister got stabbed and Mikey got hit on the head. Just what the hell happened?

"I don't know. I had no idea about it too." He tell the older

"Black Dragon and Tenjiku must look after her really well now. We promised father about it. Perhaps Toman would help her too." Shinichiro said

"What a mess. Moebius really messed up." Ran chirping into the conversation

"They got death wishes that haven't been able to fulfill it yet." Rindou said

"There there, we can kill them but not yet." Sanzu said, smiling like a psychopath

Ran roll his eyes and huff in annoyance. Sanzu will turn into a psychopath mode when someone hurt the Sano twin. He will brutally murder them if he could.

"You really adore the twin. Loyal to them both so why don't you just follow one of them around?" Shinichiro ask

"I did. Big boss asked me to follow Nakano around to make sure she is all good." Sanzu said shrugging

"I've made up my mind. Bonten will do the same thing. Do you remember that no one really know who is Nakano? They only know Livia as the Black Crow president. If some other gang know about Nakano is Livia, she would be in danger now. Germany gang is targeting the boss of Black Crow but they didn't know who is the president." Ran said without any expression on his face

"Toman and Bonten would merge one day." Izana said

"Wait what?" Rindou ask, confuse

"Nakano told me and Emma about that on the day she came back. We were talking about the small delinquent gangs under Black Crow. Toman and Bonten are under her command right?" Izana ask

"Yes." Ran nods

Shinichiro sigh as he thought about the small delinquent groups under Black Crow. There's no problem with it but judging it from the negative side, if the other groups knows Toman and Bonten weakness, they would finish Black Crow first but it's impossible to do that because his sister is not weak and have thousands of subordinates and some strong comrades with her.

Black Dragon is the second division under Black Crow after the port mafia and the agency. He gotta admit that he's not strong as Nakano and Mikey but at least he still could fight. Nakano never underestimate his ability in fighting, that's why she assigned him as the president of Black Dragon. 

"What if Nakano put Tenjiku in Black Crow?" Sanzu suddenly ask, breaking the silent

"There's possiblity for that to happen but don't be so sure. I haven't got any chance to fight with her." Izana said sighing

Rindou furrowed his eyebrow as he look at Izana weirdly. Izana want to fight with Nakano? Why's that? Did Nakano offend him in some way?

"Why do you want to fight Nakano?" Ran ask

"Just for fun, seeing all of her opponent got injured badly after she kicked them, I want to know how strong she is." Izana said shrugging

"Izana, don't." Shinichiro said, warning the younger brother

Izana sigh tiredly and nods his head. If Shinichiro said no then it's a no right? He can't bring himself to disrespect the oldest brother.


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