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Livia tilt her head as she pops a candy in her mouth. She just don't get why Dazai is sitting on top of students that he piled up like a mountain. Did he just beat up some student in the hallway?

"What are you doing?" She ask the older male

"Oh, they blocked my way a moment ago. I heard the lady boss wanted to meet me so I'm here." Dazai said with serious tone

"Wow, this is the first time you actually sounds serious." She said shrugging

"Ehehehe, I got too serious after I beat them." Dazai said, chuckling as he scratch his hair awkwardly

Livia shrug and lean herself to the wall, looking at the beaten up students. Maybe some seniors that blocked Dazai's way a moment ago.

"I'm not surprised that you would beat some students up only because they blocked your way. It's annoying." She said again without any expression on her face

Dazai nods his head, agreeing with Livia. Kids are annoying but he wouldn't dare to say that in front of Livia, she's not annoying but horrifying.

"So why you called me here?" He ask the younger as he jumped down from the pile of students, landing right in front of the lady boss

Livia sigh and stomp on Dazai's foot really hard.

"Ow ow boss let go!" Dazai plead

"I assigned you as port mafia president to do your works and handle everything. It's not like you can't bully that weird hat dude Chuuya, but you always make him to do the work whenever there's stuff would arrive at the port from America." Livia said, irrational

Dazai blink his eyes and plead the younger to stop stomping on his foot, after 5 minutes Livia let it go and glare at him.

"Well boss, I've been planning to-"

"You suicidal maniac. I know you always planning your suicidal attempts so don't tell me that as excuses." Livia said, still glaring at him

If only her glares could kill, he would been dead by now.

"But that's the only thing that I do for the past few days." He said, slightly pouting his lip and blinking his eyes continuously so that Livia would let it slide this time

Livia sigh and massage her temples. Why did someone like Dazai would exist in this world again?

"I will let it slide, but with one condition." She said with a slight frown

"Oh what is it?" Dazai ask with sparkling eyes

"Don't go back to the port yet. Let Chuuya and Akutagawa to handle it while you, you maniac stay with me. Maybe you can help me with some fight today." She said, shrugging her shoulders

"Oh fight~ nice." Dazai response and smirk

"Nakano-chan." Mikey call out, yawning sleepily as he approach his twin sister

"Chibi finally awake." Livia said nonchalantly

"Do you see my Toman's uniform?" Mikey ask, rubbing his eyes sleepily

The girl just weirdly stare at him and tilt her head slightly to the side. Is he serious? Like really serious? She sigh and shake her head at the absence minded Mikey.

"I don't know? Where is it?" She ask back, decide just to play dumb

"You tied it around Nakano's waist this morning, idiot." Draken chirp in, rolling his eyes

"Oh? Right Nakano-chan kicked other students this morning. She must be uncomfortable so I tied it around her waist." Mikey said, nodding his head at the memory

Livia only nods her head. She's really uncomfortable with the short skirt. Ever since she joined the gang, she always wear leggings or jeans because first she would always fight and second, her subordinates and comrades are all males. Nonetheless, they all act like brothers around her and would protect her time to time which she don't really need it but can she stop them from being overprotective? Not really.

"Boss, do I need to call your assistant? So that she can bring spare outfit?" Dazai ask, pulling out his phone

Right, only assistant is female. Wait no she have two assistants, one female and one male. And both of her assistant act like parents around her because both of them are a lot older than her.

"Yes please! Tell Yuko about it. I'm tired of this uniform." She said dramatically

"It's only few hours-" Draken sigh

"I know right, I'm tired of it already. I need to ask Mori to talk to the principle about the dress code!" She said with determination

"Nakano-chan let's go eat. I'm hungry." Mikey said, dragging her with him

"Kenchin, I want dorayaki." Mikey tell the taller blonde male with a huge smile on his face

"Dazai, I want sweets!" Livia tell the man

"Nope nope." Dazai said, shaking his head with his hands in his pockets

"Why??????" The girl whine

"You had a lot of candies today. And I don't want to deal with the big boss if he heard you complain about stomachache or toothache because of sweets." Dazai reason out

"Uwah so cruel. I only want to eat cake." Livia said with pouty lip and sad eyes

Mikey who heard that only glares at Dazai and Draken. Both of them startles and look at each other. Livia is such an addict to sweet foods so it's impossible to them to refuse her request because she act all like a sad puppy now.

"Nakano-chan, let's go. Ignore them both. I will buy you cake!" Mikey smile and grab Livia's arm, walking away from the other two

Dazai blink his eyes and sigh. He hope that the big boss didn't find out about it or else the big boss would skin him alive and that thought could terrified him.

"Dazai-san, let's go follow them. After all we need to look after some twin. If we don't, then who knows what will happen to them and people around them." Draken said sighing

Dazai immediately agree and decide to follow Draken because he most likely to know where Mikey would bring Livia to. He would start his day with babysitting the lady boss again when he thought the lady boss would beat him up because he's been slacking off recently but she only stomped on his foot which he thinks it's already kind enough of her.


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