80.Will It Be Her????

Start from the beginning

Zhang Yue, Su Linlin, and Li Jiao are all department officers. They also knew a lot of students from the Department of Student Union. After several phone calls, they finally found out that those application forms are now in the cabinet of the department office.

After entrusting the secretary of the sports department to borrow the key, the three rushed toward the department office angrily.

Walking to the door of the office, Zhang Yue opened the door first. There was no teacher in front of a few desks.

However, there is a familiar person who is sorting out information at a desk.

"Tang Yuran?"

Zhang Yue called the person, and Tang Yuran turned around, still the same as before, wearing a high ponytail and an ice blue coat. She was extremely cold and entrusted her whole person.

She turned around, saw the person, and nodded faintly.

Alienated and cold, the same as her usual style.

By the way, Tang Yuran was also an officer of the department, and was assigned to the Ministry of Security at that time. Sometimes the air conditioner in the classroom, or the surveillance camera is broken, you need to fill in a form, and their department is also responsible for this.

She will be here, it should be a matter of the Ministry of Security.

Zhang Yue didn't talk to her much either, anyway, she didn't know her well.

She rushed to the front, found the cabinet where the information was stored, took the key, and vigorously went in, her beautiful eyes glaring.

"I want to see, who can do this kind of thing!"

Su Linlin and Li Jiao took a slow step, just entering the door, they ran into Tang Yuran, who was walking out with a stack of documents. Seeing them, her beautiful eyes glanced at them, not indifferent.

Went straight out.

The two did not care about her, and hurriedly walked towards Zhang Yue who was opening the cabinet.

"How about these, right?"

Behind them, Tang Yuran, who was walking out with the information, heard this questioning. Slightly tilted her eyes and glanced in the direction of the three of them. Suddenly, the red lips made a slight arc of sarcasm.

She looked disdainful in her eyes, didn't look any more, turned around, and left straight away.

"It's all here."

Zhang Yue laboriously took out a lot of data sheets that were almost half her height, and put them on the table heavily.

"Come on, find."

Next, three people sat in the office. I rummaged through the pile of materials, but couldn't find the registration form that Li Jiao had originally.

Su Linlin sweated profusely, raised her hand and wiped it, panting.

"Didn't you say that the registration forms are all here? Why are they not?"

"Yes," Zhang Yue was also surprised, "Why not?"

Li Jiao sat on the chair beside her and exhaled heavily, also very tired. Just about a thousand copies of the information. The three people spent more than an hour carefully, and none of them found her original watch.

Did it fall?

Can't find the registration form, the three of them will have an ideological and political class while waiting. After looking at the time, it has to pass now.

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