Brand New Start

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We will make a brand new start
From the pieces torn apart
The break of day is before us

After Mark and the boys left, Isabelle went to Estelle's room. Estelle was in the middle of changing her sheets and was not paying attention when she came in. After watching Estelle struggle to keep the fitted sheet on the massive mattress, she decided to help her as well as get the tea. Estelle had just changed her sheets not even a week ago, so that made Isabelle suspicious.

"Bestie, what did I miss?"

"Ooh shit, you scared me! You didn't miss anything, what are you talking about?"

"Come on now, don't play with me. All this time and they have never spent a single night here. What changed? What happened?"

"I don't know, me and Mark never got around to talking about that last night."

She gave Isabelle a knowing look and smirk.

"Really? Finally! God, it took y'all long enough!"

"Now don't do that," Estelle laughed, "he was a perfect gentleman leading up to it!"

"Well when is he coming back?"

"Later after he drops them off at Victoria's. I gotta tell you about her guh," Estelle said rolling her eyes.

"Am I going to have to beat her ass?"

"No, I can handle it," Estelle laughed, "she just needs a firm talking to."

"But Mark still has to talk to me about what she said to him. It's a lot of missing pieces and I'll tell you when I find out myself."

"So why bring it up?"

"Because it's some shit that I can tell you about now! So how about Victoria's boyfriend was the one that shot at us!"

"Did that crazy bitch put him up to it?"

"She told Mark that it wasn't her idea. The only thing that she did was tell him that Mark had moved on with me and she alluded to us being together before she got with him. Basically telling the guy that Mark cheated first and she cheated back."

"A lie don't care who tell it. She oughta get her ass whupped just for that," Isabelle said.

"Girl, apparently the guy is actually crazy. Like clinically insane, but we'll get into that later. Anyway, after Victoria had told him about us, he got it in his head that I was the reason that Victoria was depressed and he was gonna end me. Said he was gonna kill two birds with one stone."

"What, he was gonna shoot Mark too?"

"No, by killing me, Mark would suffer how Victoria suffered when she found out he was cheating. Victoria wasn't feeling that, but she didn't tell anyone about his plans. Guh, come to find out, he was possessive and stalkerish and she didn't know that he was til Mark kicked her out."

"That's what her trifling ass gets! That man is one of the sweetest I know and she didn't deserve him anyway," Isabelle huffed.

"I said the same thing, but that's what she gets for lying," Estelle shrugged, "and that's why she ended up with a fucking psychopath. I don't feel bad for her, I'm just glad she didn't die in the process."

"But are you going to press charges on her? It was still her fault that all this even happened," Isabelle pointed out.

"You're right, but no. I haven't talked to her personally, and honestly I don't think I'm mentally in a place to do that without putting my hands on her. I'll get around to it, but no time soon."

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