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My faith, it grows
No need to question, I already know
I found a way

They were awakened the next morning to bamming on the door from all three of them. It woke Mark up first, but Estelle could sleep through almost anything. He shook her awake and stretched before speaking.

"Alright guys, we're up!"

Mark wasn't heard over them, but Estelle made sure she would be.


The bamming immediately stopped and Bryson spoke up. Mark laughed under his breath.

"TeTe we're hungry!"

"I get that, but you can act like you got some sense! Don't get embarrassed in front of your lil friend now."

"Yes ma'am," he sighed.

"Let us get ourselves together and we'll be on," she said.

They went back to Bryson's room to watch TV while Estelle headed for the bathroom. Mark was right behind her.

"Shit, that's a helluva morning wood," she pointed out.

"Yeah, thanks," he chuckled, "you really gonna punch him?"

"Nope. Pickle knows how to behave himself and he was showing out for his friends. I wouldn't actually put my fist through his chest, but he knows what that threat really entails," she shrugged, getting off the toilet and flushing, "He knows that just means I mean business."

"You put the fear of God in him for sure," Mark chuckled.

"Always, but pay attention to how it works, I guarantee I won't have to tell Pickle more than once to do or not do something."

"I'll be on the lookout," he said, brushing his teeth.

She hopped in the shower and cleaned up from last night, the hot water soothing her sore body.

"I can not believe how sore I am, my God," she sighed.

"I can," he laughed, "I didn't know your legs were that strong, squatting like that."

"They ain't, and you best believe I ain't ever doing that again unless you're putting some work in too," she huffed.

"Look, that was punishment. I told you no, but you were insistent on having sex, so I gave you what you wanted. Consequences baby, that's on you," he shot back.

He stepped in as she stepped out and went to the sink to brush her teeth.

"Well did you really want to stop, or were you trying to see what you could get away with? That's what I was doing honestly."

"Same thing. I picked up on what you were doing and I felt like you would respond well to me kind of dominating you, so I just rolled with it. I was serious about being quiet though," he chuckled.

"That was me being quiet."

She headed out of the bathroom as he shut off the shower. He was wrapped in a towel with his hair going a million directions. She was sitting on the bed putting on her shea butter. He put on lotion and his clothes, not bothering with his hair, other than drying it. After she was thoroughly moisturized, she put on her boxer-briefs, basketball shorts, sports bra and a t-shirt.

"Why do you wear men's underwear?"

"Because they don't roll up my thighs or give me wedgies. Plus they have just enough room in the bottom for my cat to breathe," she replied.

"Ohh, that makes sense. Do you ever wear women's underwear?"

"Yeah, depends on the outfit," she shrugged, "but it's rare that I wear an outfit like that. I like being comfortable and my wardrobe fits that perfectly."

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