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The music blaring through the whole room, everyone were dancing and drinking the whole night enjoying their time.

Ravenclaw who throw the party did some really good job on the door to prevent any music or light out. If there were teacher out there, they just be looking through the empty and quiet hallway. Well that is if they didn't open the door.

Harry grab some drinks and goes to search for his friends in the crowd. He have been looking for them everywhere, but with crowded and cramped teenager dancing around and pushing you it wouldn't be an easy task. Instead he choose to stand in the corner and enjoy the drink.

He scanned the room. Then finally! There she is! Hermione were talking with Pansy and some girl from Ravenclaw. But still no sight of Ron. He decided to go and join her or the best ask her where Ron is so that he will at least have company for the night.

"Hermione!" He shouted so that the girl can hear him through loud music. "Oh Harry! You come at the right time! We are planning on playing games. You should join us."

"What kind of game?" He finished the drink and put the empty cup on nearby table. "Oh you know, just game."

The Ravenclaw girl -Padma is the name- go to the music station and stop the music. Whine and protest could be heard from the crowd.

"Quiet! We'll be playing a few game together. For those who want to join please go the left side of the room and for those who wants to keep dancing and grinding on people you can stay here. I will put the music back on" Just like that the music started blasting again.

"I need to grab some people. You guys go first." Pansy walk away leaving them behind.

"Well come on Harry. I know Ron would be there." Hermione grab Harry's hand and lead them to the other side. "Mate! You play?" Ron ask right after they spot him.

"Yeah I don't think I could say no" He whispered gesturing towards Hermione. They both laughed.

"Pansy! Right here!" Hermione wave to smiling Pansy who is dragging Draco and Blaise who were dragging Dapne and Theo who -again- were dragging Vincent and Gregory. Some of them have an unpleasant look on their face. Probably being force by Pansy.

"Well is everyone ready?" Pansy ask ignoring the no from Daphne, Theo and Draco.
"Come on we have to form a group." They go to the center and make a circle. Other people started joining in with them. There's not a lot people but this still is more than enough.

Hermione sat down between Ron and Harry. Pansy sat on Harry left. "Hey" Pansy said. "Hi" he smiled. "So what are we gonna play?" Susan ask from across them.

"What about spin the bottle?" Padma suggested. "Really? That's all you got? Why don't you just announce who you want to smooch instead of making game for it" Draco sneered and high-five Theo.

"Oh shut up Malfoy. If you don't want to kiss any of us not like we want to kiss you anyway you could leave. What's wrong with me wanting to kiss people. It's just a game. Beside... It's spicy" she stated and wiggle her eyebrows at Draco which send her an eye roll in return.

Padma got an empty bottle and put it in the center. "I'll start first"

After several rounds of kissing, it's finally Ron's turn. He crawl to the center, grab the bottle and spin it. When it stopped he follow the tip. "Bloody hell"

"I'm not kissing him!" He snapped. "What makes you think I want to kiss you Weasel" Draco yelled back. "Just get it over with Ron" Hermione sighed. Harry just giggling on the back. The situation indeed is funny.

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