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thank you guys so much for 15k reads! You have no idea how much it means to me to see people enjoy this story 🥺 And I say welcome to all you newcomers who just found my story of Dakota and Enzo 💙

Y'all 20k?!?? THANK YOU!!!!!!

30k. You guys are insane and I love ya's 🥺 Thank you for showing Enzo and Dakota love. It means so much to me, and urges me to write their second chapter.


"You ready to go bar hopping tonight?"

Dakota looked up from her book at her best friend, who already had a cooler in her hand. "Looks like you already started without me," Dakota replied with a laugh.

Maddie rolled her eyes and took a drink. "Not my fault you're a stick in the mud!"

"I am not! I just don't think going out and blowing my money on liquor is a good idea. I still have student loans to pay off."

Maddie rolled her eyes. "You'll be paying that until you're dead. Come on! We're in The City with lots of fresh meat." She wiggled her eyebrows.

Dakota threw a pillow at her friend, who caught it mid drink with one hand and tossed it onto her bed. "C'mon! I give you fifteen minutes or I haul you out by the damn ear!"

"Alright, fine," Dakota giggled. Maddie left her room to let her dress. Letting out a sigh, Dakota put her book away and searched her half packed suitcase for something to wear. She and Maddie had just moved halfway across the country together after university, and planned on building their lives out here in The City. When it came to the whole dating scene, she was trying to stay out of it. Her last ex was... less than nice, so she tried to steer clear of creeps.

After looking for a few minutes, Dakota settled on some dark blue skinny jeans with an orange tank top that had a cute frilly piece across the chest. She slipped her gladiator sandals on and brushed her wavy red hair just as Maddie peeked her head in the door.

She whistled at Dakota, who rolled her eyes. "If you weren't straight, I'd definitely be grovelling at your feet," Maddie said.

"Oh shut up," Dakota laughed, picking up her phone. She put her spare cash and her cards in her phone case. "Knowing you, you'll be hanging off of some girl with massive tits before the end of the night."

"God I hope so." The dreamy look on Maddie's face only proved her point, and Dakota only shook her head as she followed her best friend out of the apartment and onto the street.

The sun had begun to set, but with the tall buildings across the city, night time came early. Dakota and Maddie hooked their arms and began their walk downtown to the club. At a quick glance, you would think they were sisters. Both of them had firey red hair, but Maddie had hers cut and faded on her right side, leaving her long hair on the left to hang down to her chest. Dakota kept her hair plain and short, letting it only grow to her shoulders before cutting it.

They had been roommates in university, and had connected almost instantly. They came from completely different backgrounds, with Maddie being a large city girl, and Dakota being raised in the country. It didn't stop them from getting into mischief together.

The club they started at was "Stanza Buia", a hopping dance floor with a small casino on the back. There were a lot of people around Maddie and Dakota's age drifting in and out of the doors, and they looked at each other excitedly before going inside.

The music practically deafened them as they made their way inside. The security checked their IDs before allowing them to enter the booming dance floor. To the left of the floor was the bar, and on the right were tables and some booths with small groups together. "This is HEAVEN!" Maddie yelled to Dakota, who laughed and followed her friend to the bar. They ordered a cooler together and drifted around the dance floor.

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