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This book is co written by wolfgirl4783 and she's actually writing this now.

Hey I'm W/alfy/olfie and I'm writing this book with Ashton here.

You'll be able to tell who's writing bc POV part and ANs will be Ashton (me) = Italics and

Wolfie (me) Bold

Or both (Wolfie and Ash)=  italics & bold

My contacts;

Kik: WolfieANDAsh
Email: [][][]][][][][][][]@[][][][].[][][][]
Twitter: @TodayNeverDies
My contacts:
Kik: WolfieANDAsh
Email: (I don't use any accs with this so don't even try and hack okie dokie)
Twitter: @WuvLukeHemmings
Vine: Mrs. All Australian
Skype: Hemmings964 (Shambles)
Byyyeee xx

-Pretty & Punk

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