Chapter 24 - MOVE ON

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Back at the caravan Timmy was barking and growling

''Shut that dog up or I'll shoot it'' Ryan said

''I'll put him in one of the bedrooms'' Fanny said, anxious to keep Timmy out of harm's way. She knew how much he meant to George

Julian was still creeping up silent behind Ryan 

George was sitting in a cell at the police station, wondering how much longer he would be kept there when the Inspector came in

''Well Georgina, we have a bit of news for you'' he told her ''You'll be moved out of here tonight. You're going to a remand center for girls. You'll stay there until your trial''

''I didn't do it I was set up!'' George said angrily

''We've heard it all before Georgina and none of us believe it''

''That boy Ryan did it not me!''

''You might want to get some sleep, the drive to the detention center will take a few hours and you won't find it easy to sleep in the back of the van''

''Why am I going to a girl's detention center anyway?'' George asked angrily, knowing that it was the least of his worries right now but unable to stop thinking that he belonged in a boy's detention center, not girls. Even now, the desire to be recognized as a boy was important to him

''Georgina you need to understand something'' the inspector said, sounding oddly kind for once, but still firm ''You're still too young, I know at your age you think you know it all but you really don't. The world works in a certain way, you, might not like it or agree with it but that's the way it is. You're a girl, your birth certificate says you're a girl, and your body is a girl's body. We can't put you with boys, I know you think you belong with boys but you don't. you have to go with the girls. Anyway, if we sent you to a boys detention center they would make your life hell for being a girl''

''No, they wouldn't. I'm just as good as any boy, just as strong as any boy and they would accept me as one of them. And if they didn't I would fight and stand up for myself anyway''   

''Oh I don't doubt that'' the Inspector said seeming like he admired George a little ''but we have to follow rules so you go to the girl's detention center. Anyway, try to sleep if you can''

Of course, George couldn't sleep. Who could in his situation?    

Julian bravely attacked Ryan from behind and forced him to the ground. The pair of them began to struggle and fight over the gun. Arnie. Fanny, Jake, and Quentin all rushed in to help Julian and Ryan was pinned to the ground, the gun confiscated by Julian who stood there with it.

''I'll call the police'' Arnie said while Quentin Fanny and Jake kept Ryan pinned on the ground and Julian stood with the gun

Ryan started crying ''Oh I'm so sorry for everything'' he wept ''oh I am sorry honest. Please let me go now guys I can't handle all of you crowding me, pinning me down like this''

Julian was holding the gun ''Let him go now'' he said ''I have the gun there is nothing else he can do now and if he tries I will shoot him so let him go''

They let him go and he sat up

''Cheers guys for letting me free'' he said and took a flick knife out of the pocket of his jeans. Fanny was closest to him and he grabbed her and put the knife at her throat

Julian raised the gun ready to shoot

''Uh I wouldn't if I were you'' Ryan said ''Pull that trigger and I will slit her throat at the same time. Do you want your mother to die Julian?''   

2. HERE COMES GEORGE AND THE GANG AGAINTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon