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George kept on trying to call Julian and Anne on their phones, desperate to get them back safe and away from Ryan and Arnie. Those two had already killed Dick and getting them away from Ryan and Arnie as fast as possible was the most important thing he could do now. 

But why were their phones switched off?

''This is so weird and frustrating'' he said at last

''Have you tried Becky's phone?'' Jake suggested

''No, I don't have her number''

''I do'' Jake said and started calling Becky on his phone. To their surprise and joy, it wasn't switched off and Becky answered but it sounded like she was upset  

'''I'm on my way back'' she told them ''and then I'm going to pack my bags and head home''

''But why?'' Jake asked concerned ''What has happened''

'''Julian and I have had a massive fight. It's best if I go home now''

''A fight? What about?''

''I'm not going to talk about it on the phone, I'll tell you when I get there''

George, impatient, snatched the phone from Jake ''Becs honey, do you know where Julian and Anne are now? I need to talk to them''

''Look I'll be there in five minutes ok, I'll talk to you than'' and Becky hung up

George and Jake waited anxiously for Becky to return and when she did it was obvious she's been crying and had a mark on her face where someone had hit her. She rushed straight to the bedroom to pack her stuff

''I'll catch a train home tonight'' she told them

''Please tell me what happened'' George pleaded, trying to stay calm but getting increasingly agitated

''Julian proposed to me and I knocked him back. I told him I don't want to marry him and I don't even love him. I've been two-timing him with another boy and that's the boy I love. I told him everything. He was drunk because he had been drinking beer with Arnie so he hit me. Then I asked to be driven back to the bay and let off the boat to come back here. Julian and Anne stayed on the boat with Ryan and Arnie''

''Well now I'm going to add another bruise to your face to match the one Julian gave you'' George cried angrily and punched Becky in the face ''You two-timing slut! My brother really loved you you know!''

''I don't want to bloody marry him anyway even if I hadn't been cheating! I'm too young to get married. Sorry, I didn't know he was that into me, I thought we were just having some fun. Anyway, your brother is not what I thought he was, if he can hit me once he could do it again and I won't marry a wife-beater. And having you as a sister-in-law... brother-in-law or whatever hardly fills me with joy either George. God, I've been wanting to tell you for weeks what I think of you, you're one difficult pain in the butt George. Stubborn, surly, argumentative, you annoy me''

George looked ready to hit Becky again but if he did it looked like Becky would hit back this time too.

Becky finished packing her things ''And now if you'll excuse me I'll get a taxi and get out of here before that idiot Julian gets back..and before I do something to you I'll regret later George you cow. I'll let you off from hitting me this time since I know you're just upset as usual'' 

''Listen Becs, I'm sorry George hit you but we must ask you something before you go'' Jake said trying to keep things calm ''It's important that we can find Julian and Anne. Do you know where they are now?''

Becky shrugged ''As I said, they stayed on the boat with Ryan and Arnie, Julian with his can of Stella on the go still, a right alcoholic in the making there if you ask me. The boat went back out. I don't know or care where they are now but I feel sorry for Anne stuck with those three pigs. Ryan and Arnie are a real pair of alpha male pigs and Julian is not much better''

2. HERE COMES GEORGE AND THE GANG AGAINWhere stories live. Discover now