Christmas Special

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You'd never heard of 'Christmas' before. So when you read about it in Nighty's library, you asked Dusty and Phan more about it. "What's Christmas?" Dusty paused from sharpening his knife. "CHRISTMAS? IT WAS A HOLIDAY THAT WE USED TO CELEBRATE IN SNOWDIN! WE GAVE GIFTS AND DECORATED THE HOUSES AND SAW SANTA, WHO LOOKED STRANGELY LIKE ASGORE.." Phan explained. "You don't do it anymore?" You asked. "if you hadn't noticed, we aren't exactly the 'cheerful' type." Dusty pointed out. "... will you help me? I wanna do Christmas with everyone. I already got the presents, we could decorate the castle, and Horror could make dinner, and it'd be very great!"
"No. Christmas isn't even for a few months yet." Dusty teleported off and you deflated. You supposed that you'd have to do this yourself then. You are filled with determination!


You stared at the cover of the novel. It had white stuff called snow everywhere and a big tree filled with green needles. The Christmas tree had strings of popcorn and cranberries around it and colorful orbs hung from it. At the very top was a star. You weren't sure where you'd get a star, or how humans plucked them from the sky to put on the tree. Maybe it was fake like the stars in Waterfall? You weren't sure where to get the orbs either. But you did know where to get snow and a tree and the cranberries and popcorn! With that in mind you made a portal to Snowdin using the thing Dusty had on the day you'd gotten stuck in Dusttale.


You'd used your magic to cut down and carry the tree into the living room of the castle. There was one problem though. Snow disappeared the moment you enter with it, leaving you soaked somehow. You were going to have to find a substitute. Flour was white like snow.. right? You had to start the popcorn anyways so you went to the kitchen, threw in four bags of popcorn, still in its plastic wrapping, and found the flour. So while the popcorn 'cooked' you found yourself running around the living room, throwing flour all over the floor. You were having fun with it if you were being honest. Until you heard Horror. "who the fuck set the kitchen on fire!?" You froze, [E/C] eyes going wide. Glitches and Nighty had come running to help him when they saw your mess. "[Y/N]. what the hell is all this!" Nighty hissed, making you flinch. You looked up at him with teary eyes and a trembling lip. "I- I justed wanted t-to do Christmas with you guys.."
"you'd set my fucking house on fire, and made a mess of my living room! this is the opposite of christmas! i can't even with you right now! error, take her away." His tentacles lashed irate, he was angry and you knew it. "I- I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" Glitches picked you up with his strings. "C-c-co-mmm-me on k-kid." You were taken away, and to your room, where you couldn't cause any more damage.


Dust POV

"WELL THAT WAS A DISASTER." Phantom stated as we started cleaning the damned mess that Horror put out. "what was she even thinking?" Killer muttered. "who gives a damn? now how am i supposed to feed my au?!"
"it wasn't her intention to destroy the place. she wanted to have a Christmas party. everyone with a brain knows she don't have a clue about things like this. she wanted us to have fun." I defended. "but Christmas isn't even for another four months."
"think she cares? she has gifts for everyone already and everything." Nightmare walked in, followed by Error. "how did she even come across such a ridiculous idea?"
"i noticed that she had a book in her arms. could've read about it, and found it interesting. even fun. we're not exactly the most exciting people to a child."
"MORE LIKE DOWNRIGHT TERRIFYING. ITS A MIRACLE SHE LIKES US." Nightmare glanced at me and narrowed his cyan eye. "what do you suggest to fix that problem?"
"give her what she wants, i guess. let's make Christmas happen."


Your POV

You wiped your eyes of tears once more as you stared at the wrapped gifts on your bed. You'd followed the instructions in the book. All you'd had was coloring paper, but you'd made due. You even had their nicknames written on them. Kills, Glitches, Nighty, Dusty, and Horror. You'd wanted to call him Hor-Hor, but shot it down immediately and threatened to do bad things to you. Well, it's not like it really mattered anyways. They were mad and probably hated you now. The thought put you in a new set of fresh tears. They. Hated. You. You're fault. The door cracked open. "kid.. come here." You shook your head, not trusting your voice. "kid do you want Christmas or not?" You looked at Dusty. It made his soul tremble. He didn't like that broken look on you. He walked forward and scooped you in his arms. "then let's go." He threw your gifts into his inventory before carrying you downstairs.


You hugged him close. He was hugging back, muttering reassurances in your ear. Finally you made it into the living room. It wasn't a mess anymore. Strings of blue and purple lights hung on the walls and wound around the tree. Maids bells hung on the tree as well, with a doll that looked like you on top. There was a roasted chicken, corn cobs, and green beans on the dining table. "W-what..?"
"considering the time span, we couldn't do to much. you'll also be cleaning up the rest of the kitchen as punishment, tomorrow."
"horror pulled some strings and we got some food from Farmer."
"...i d-dec-corat-ted th-e tr-eeeee."
"dust says you have gifts?" You cracked a small smile. "Mmhm!" They didn't hate you! The rest of the night was filled with fun and laughter, which was surprising for the castle full of killers.

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