08: Secrets

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Harry POV

I was at breakfast when he showed up.

I was pretending to eat the third helping Mrs. Weasley had given me. The first two I had banished to Ron's plate. The git hadn't even blinked.

I was debating about whether or not to actually eat the bacon on my plate when I felt overwhelming magic. Immediately I was no longer hungry.

Moments later Dumbly walked in. His twinkling eyes masking all his sinister plans. As he came in and clapped his hand a bit forcefully on my shoulder I was once again glad I wasn't blind to his manipulations.

"Harry my boy!" He said and I tried not to cringe. "How are you?"

"Good professor," I replied having to force down several sarcastic remarks.

"Wonderful!" He said before looking around the table, "And Ms. Granger? Where is she?"

"Poor dear is still upset about yesterday," Mrs. Weasley said and I tried not to scoff. Upset? Bit of an understatement. "She's still up in her room." Mrs. Weasley added.

"I don't know why," Ron said, "It was for the greater good."

I simply nodded in agreement, not trusting my self to speak.

Dumbledore's smile simply grew. "I'll go upstairs and see if I can... persuade her to see things our way." He left the room.

Once he was gone I banished half of the food on my plate to Ron's. Once I was sure no one had noticed I pushed my plate away. "Harry," Mrs. Weasly said in a disapproving voice, "You need to eat. Your far to thin!" She said in her overbearing way.

Instead of sneering and stalking out of the room I simply smiled, "I've eaten plenty Mrs. Weasly. Besides it's not like you won't fed me lunch."

Mrs. Weasly gave an over exaggerated sigh. "All right dear. But at least eat your toast." I nodded and stuffed the slice of bread into my mouth.

I had just swallowed when Dumbledore came stomping in. Instead of their usual twinkle his eyes were alight with fire. "Ginny, Harry," He said clearly trying to contain his rage, "Will the two of you head upstairs." Even though it was a request he stated it as an order and I was more than happy to leave. His magic was swirling around creating gagged rough edges that seemed capable of causing serious harm.

Ginny however looked worriedly at her mother who nodded and made sure we left the room.

"Ginny," I said the moment we were out of the room, "I didn't sleep well so I think I'll go try and get more sleep."

"Alright Harry," She said from behind me as I rushed upstairs.

Once in the room Ron and I reluctantly shared I rushed to my trunk. Quickly I pulled out a new and improved extendable ear the twins had given me. This ear was capable of going through floors and any barrier, magical or otherwise, while remaining invisible to any one but the holder. After letting it down into the kitchen I made myself comfortable on the floor and listened.

"Gone!" Mrs. Weasley cried out in surprise. Clearly Dumbledore had told her Hermione was no longer here.

"Yes gone!" Dumbledore yelled, the maddest I had ever heard him. "How could you be so irresponsible! One of our greatest assets is out doing who-knows-what with who-knows-who!"

"Maybe shes with a cousin or something," A nervous Ron suggested, "You know, her other family."

"The girl has no other family! " Dumbledore said yelling louder than ever. "That was the whole point of killing her parents! With Mr. and Mrs. Granger dead her last tie to the muggle world is gone and she has no choice but to turn to us. She wasn't supposed to leave! You were supposed to make sure she didn't leave!"

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