02: Truth

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Thirty minutes later
POV Harry

Ginny and I apparated into the kitchen of Grimmauld Place after spending the afternoon with Fred and George. The site before us was not a happy one. Ron, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, along with a few other order members sat around the kitchen table looking devastated while whispering among them selves. The moment they saw us the whispers ceased and Mrs. Weasley stood with a rather forced smile.

"Hello dears!" She said pulling me and then Ginny into a hug. "Have you eaten?"

Ginny simply nodded while I said, "We had a bite to eat before leaving."

"Good," Mrs.Weasley said, "good. And how's the joke shop doing."

"It's doing great mum," Ginny said, "Fred and George said they'd have come back with us but the shop is incredibly busy."

Mrs. Weasley nodded with a smile, "Of course it is I believed in them all along." I tried not to laugh knowing that Mrs. Weasley had not believed in Fred and George's ability at all. Even now she refused to come see the shop. "Harry dear," Mrs. Weasley said turning to me, "do you mind taking a tray of food up to Hermione? She didn't come down for lunch, poor dear must have gotten distracted reading again." Mrs. Weasley said with a laugh.

"Sure Mrs. Weasley." I said picking up the tray in question. I left the kitchen and climbed the stairs. When I reached the the second floor I walked past the bedrooms to the sitting room where Hermione liked to read. When I got there I immediately noticed her favorite chair by the fire was empty but a book sat on the near by side table.

"Odd," I muttered before turning around to check Hermione's bedroom. When I got there I noticed the door was slightly ajar. Thank Merlin for that. The tray was large and required both hands to hold. I wouldn't have been able to open the door let alone knock.

Using my shoulder to open the door I pushed it open saying, "Hey 'Mione. Mrs.Weasleys sent up lunch for yo-" I stopped mid sentence seeing Hermione curled up in a ball and sobbing on her bed. After quickly setting the try down on her dresser I hurried to her side. When I got there I gently pulled her into a sitting position so her head was on my shoulder and I could rub her back.

"'Mione what happened?"

"You mean you don't know?" She said trying to quiet her sobs.

"Why would I?" I asked hoping not to offend her, "I've been at Diagonally all afternoon."

After a moment Hermione seemed to gain control of her self and glanced towards the open door. Guessing what she wanted I stood to close it and cast a muflioto charm.

Before I could sit back down Hermione began talking, "The order killed my parents! Ron said they had too because they were under the imperius curse. But I was there Harry! I know what an imperiused person looks like because of fourth year. Your face may show expressions but your eyes go kind of blank and hollow. My parents looked terrified! Their eyes were so full of fear you'd think they knew they were going to die!" She paused to take a breath and I tried to speak but she plowed on, "Please believe me Harry! Just this once! I know you probably believe what Ron said, you always do, but I know they weren't under the imperius curse! I know the orders lying about what happened. And if they're lying about this what else are they lying abo-"

"Hermione!" I said rather loudly to stop her from talking. "I believe you."

"You do?" She asked her eyes so full of hope.

"Yes I do. Honestly I've had my doubts for a while now, ever since Serious..." Hermione squeezed my hand in comfort and I smiled at her slightly.

"What do we do now?" She asked lightly. " I'd love to know what's really going on but I can't stay here, they killed my parents! But I have nowhere else to go..."

"Knockturn Alley." I exclaimed.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"Ginny and I saw the Malfoys walking down there when we were leaving," I explained. "If the orders rotten then maybe Voldemort's not."

Hermione's eyes light up, "Harry your a genius!"

I nodded glad she understood, "And if the Malfoys have already left I'm sure you can find someone who knows where they are."

"Me?" Hermione asked, "aren't you coming?"

I shook my head, "I'm going to stay and find out why the order killed your parents."

Hermione's eyes once again filled with tears, "But that could be dangerous."

"I'll be fine," I responded with more confidence then I felt, "Just take Headwig with you so you can owl me."

Hermione shook her head, "A letter would be too dangerous." She told me reaching into her handbag and pulling out two pieces of parchment. "We can use this instead. They are enchanted so what you write on your parchment will appear on mine and vice versa."

"Hermione your genius!" I exclaimed.

She laughed before digging back through her handbag before pulling out a small vile. "Here," she said handing it to me, "this is Veritaserum. Use it on Ron and Ginny, it'll be easy to get them alone."

I nodded my thanks and understanding before saying, "I'll go down and tell them I believe their story while you go to Knockturn Alley." Hermione nodded.

"Be safe and make sure they don't find that stuff," she said nodding at the parchment and potion in my hand.

I smiled and gave her a hug, "Don't worry about me. Just make sure your safe all right." She nodded wiping away tears. 

This is the second (and last) chapter I've written today. What do y'all think and who would you like to spend a day with from HP? I'd love to spend a day with Fred and George.
All my love, Lucille

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