04: Malfoy Manor

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POV Narcissa (probably the only time so enjoy)

I was having tea in the sitting room when I heard the noise signaling apparition. Knowing Lucius was the only person who could apparate strait into the manor, not already in the manor that is, I called out for him to join me.

"Hello love!" I said smiling, "how was your shopping trip?" I chuckled to myself, "You do realize you go shopping more often then I d-" my smile immediately morphed into my emotionless pure blood mask the moment I saw who was with him. "What's the mudblood doing here?" I asked with a sneer to rival my husbands.

"Cissa," He said gently walking forward and taking my hand in his, "She knows."

"Everything?" I asked my mask melting.

The girl, Hermione I think Draco says her name is, laughed lightly, "Everything is a bit of an overstatement."

I raised an eyebrow, "Than what do you know?"

"I know the order has lied to me," She began, "I know they are evil and I know I will no longer help them. Especially after th- th-they" I watched in horror as her brave, strong, facade broke and she began to sob.

On instinct I walked forward and wrapped her in my arms before looking to my husband for answers.

"She watched the order kill her parents," He told me, no emotion to be heard in his voice by others. But I could tell he was angry and felt sorrow for the young girl crying in my arms.

I slowly made my way over to a small couch and sat down, Hermione still in my arms. Slowly I rubbed circles on her back as her sobs quieted. After a moment her tears stopped coming but it was still a moment before she managed to regulate her breathing. I didn't care. I already felt a great deal of motherly love for the poor girl in my arms and had decided to treat her as the daughter I never had. Looking up into Lucius' eyes I communicated my thoughts and feelings through our marital bond. He nodded his head after a moment and I was glad he not only agreed with me but decided to do the same. Of course I would have loved Hermione as a daughter anyway but it was good to have my husbands support.

Soon Hermione was able to breath regularly. As if coming to her senses she quickly sat up and pulled herself from my embrace. "Sorry Mrs. Malfoy." She said shyly a blush coloring her checks.

"Theres nothing to be sorry for." I responded serously. "And please don't call me Mrs. Malfoy!" I added jokingly, "It makes me feel so old. Call me Narcissa or Cissa. Everyone dose."

She smiled at my words, "Thank you... Cissa. You must call me Hermione, you too Mr. Malfoy."

"Then you must call me Lucius, Hermione," My husband responded with a kind smile. "Now I know we have a lot to talk about. However you have been through a great ordeal. I think it's best that you rest. We can start talking after dinner."

Hermione nodded and stood. I followed suite. "I'll show you too your room." I said leading her out in too the hall. I heared her gasp from behind me.

"You have a lovely home Cissa." She said the awe she felt clear.

"Thank you dear! It took me ages too decorate it in a way I liked once Lucius' mother past." Hermione laughed lightly at my words causing me too smile.

As we walked I could tell Hermione was strugling to remember all the rooms and halls we past. "Don't worry dear." I said hoping to put her mind at ease. "I know it's a large manor. Even I have trouble finding my way at times and it's easy to get lost if one isn't paying attention. So your personal house elf will be your guide. At least until your familiar with the house that is."

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