I had to grab a book to busy my hands so they wouldn't do exactly that.

"So did you have a nice bath?"

She moaned, and I lowered the book down to my groin to hide my excitement... Again.

"It was amazing, and just the right temperature. I don't think I ever want to leave here."

There was a sad smile on her face as she said those words. Perhaps because she knew she couldn't stay. I was a private Dragon. I had grown up with my sisters and more than enough people around, but I preferred my peace and quiet. And she was definitely disrupting that, so why was I so pleased to know that my cave appealed to her?

"But I have to. I have to get back to Lissa."

Lissa? Who is Lissa? It then dawned on me that she must mean Lady Dragomir, and I stood up from my chair.

"Are you crazy! You can't go back. That boy nearly killed you, if you go back he will try again."

She shrugged.

"Maybe, but I still have to go back."

"What could be so important, you would risk your life for?"

She sat down on the coffee table with a large sigh. I had sat back down again after my outburst.

"Lissa. I was training to be her handmaiden, but not just the kind that brushes her hair or does up her dress, although I still have to do that. I was training to be her personal bodyguard disguised as a handmaiden. All Lissa has is me. Her family died two years ago, and now she is the sole heir. One of her father's friends is ruling in her stead now, but she will rule once she turns eighteen. She needs me. I need to protect her, that is my duty."

She didn't seem to be particularly glad about this duty, but I could tell she genuinely cared for Lady Dragomir.

"And how are you going to perform this duty when you are dead?"

She simply shrugged again.

"I am sure everything will work out. Lissa will appeal to Jesse. He wouldn't be able to do anything officially and any unofficial stuff I should be able to take care of myself. I should have been able to do that yesterday, but I suppose I failed there. I failed Lissa."

I didn't understand how she could look at yesterday as a failure. She had shown so much strength. I wouldn't just save any human. She needed to realize she was special.

"Why did he do that in the first place? What happened?"

I had a pretty good idea what happened to for him to torture her, but I was curious about the events leading up to it.

She leaned back with her hands on the table staring at the ceiling, looking at the intricate patterns of rock before she finally answered.

"Jesse is a ass, but a rich and Royal ass. Not as rich or as Royal as Lissa, but still he thinks he is something special. And I would have to agree; he definitely isn't like most people. He believes he has a right to whatever he wants and what he wanted yesterday was to boast about the fact he had been with every handmaiden. Except, I hadn't been inclined to aid him in his conquest. I had heard stories from the other girls.

He is a douche, but a pretty douche, and he didn't have much trouble getting some of them to his bed. Some he simply lured with the promise of a good night, although I heard that was highly exaggerated. Others he actually wooed, telling them he loved them and that they were the only ones for him and that he would make them their bride and seeing he was committed anyway, it wouldn't be improper to consummate those agreements beforehand. Of course, when he was done with them he dumped them as fast as he could.

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