[book 2] chapter nineteen: just desserts

Start from the beginning

"You got it!" Brenton ushered me out of the house before she could change her mind.


The street was packed with cars, so we had to park at the next one over and walk to the Rollins' house. These people sure did find any excuse to party and tonight was no exception. The inside of their massive house was filled with children, teenagers, seniors, and adults who were all helping themselves to the many desserts. A server walked up to us holding a tray filled with assorted cake pops. I took one while Brenton scooped up four, and we continued walking with desserts in hand.

"This is heaven," my twin said in awe as another server approached us with milkshakes in shot glasses. I picked up a chocolatey-looking one and tilted the cup back as I swallowed the sugary goodness.

Not too far ahead I spotted a familiar couple trying out different types of mini cakes. Niko waved us over when we saw us and Brenton ran ahead, snatching a strawberry cheesecake on a stick from his hand.

"This is like free wedding cake tastings," Vanessa said excitedly, showing us the many little cakes on her plate.

I didn't want to beat around the bush so I cut straight to the chase. "About yesterday, I owe you an apology."

She set her plate down on a nearby table. "Not at all, Dani."

When I didn't reply, Niko nudged me. "Don't be rude."

I eyed Vanessa, who looked away to avoid my gaze. "What is it?"

She laughed awkwardly, a nervous smile on her face. "What do you mean?"

Brenton stopped chowing down on his dessert to join in. "You're not fooling anyone, spit it out."

She let out a sigh and placed her hands on my shoulders as she looked at me. "In the short time we have gotten to know each other, I've come to see you like my sister, and—"

"Yawn," Brenton interjected. "Get to the point so I can raid the next dessert table."

She rolled her eyes at him before focusing her attention back on me. "You're aware that Leila is one of my bridesmaids, correct?"

I nodded slowly, unsure what the big deal was. Yes, I wasn't thrilled about it, but I had assumed from the moment I discovered they were stepsisters that Leila would be a bridesmaid.

"Well, before yesterday I kind of, sort of, maybe convinced Leila to help plan the wedding," she admitted sheepishly.

I was so taken aback I was actually calm. "Please elaborate."

Niko looked at her with widened eyes. "Babe, are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Take your time with that answer," Brenton told her.

Vanessa offered them a half-smile. "How bad could it be?"

Niko snorted at that. "V, come on."

"I'm sorry," she said exasperatedly. "I asked Leila before I knew you two had history. I just felt so terrible because Dani had to do all of the planning on the bride and groom's behalf, so I convinced Leila to help out."

Brenton was the first to break the silence with a cackle. "This wedding just got a whole lot more interesting."

"Get out," I barked at him. He shrugged his shoulders and migrated to the next dessert table to pig out some more.

"Are you okay?" Vanessa asked concernedly.

"Ask me again after I see Leila." I excused them to go anywhere else, but I was relieved to spot Amber's signature red hair about thirty feet away.

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