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"Sorry for leaving you behind
I always tried to not leave for you only
You were my only reason to stay
And when it seemed like you didn't want it anymore i dicided to do what i stopped myself from doing for a long time
If i was mistaken please forgive me and let me leave in peace
Just wish me an easy trip to the other side
Didn't want to break your heart by leaving knowing you are the only one would be sad
But knowing you don't care anymore broke me to smaller pieces smaller than before
Knowing i lost my place in your heart killed my reason to stay
Its not your fault don't ever blame yourself for that
Always remember that i loved you more than anything or let me say you were the first only thing i loved about life !
Leaving these places we wished to visit together for you to visit and remember me pray for me and wish me a better place
Ill be watching you and surrounding you with my love and protection
I loved you "

That was her last words before leaving life forever before i even get the chance to see her
I loved you too!!
Sorry i wasn't enough
Sorry I did not give you enough love
Sorry i didn't care enough of you
Sorry you left
Sorry you felt like you don't have a place in my heart
Indeed you had my whole heart but i failed showing it
Ill be with you sooner than you think
Ill come to your side to show you i loved you and wanted to be with you
Ill come to you and give you the heart you owned in this side
The heart you will own forever
Ill come to see you... finally meet you hug you and show the love you didn't feel........

Just a conversation that might happen in the future of some two
I hope they find out before traveling yo the other side
I hope they find love and happiness before its toooo late

All my love!  Diana🤍

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