"Kaija why don't you pick out your room so long and tell me what you need to decorate it".

She sighed and went upstairs.

I opened the door for Jayda, she took off her shades then she walked in.

"So I'm guessing Kaine told you that I know and he told you my address"I asked her leaning against the wall.

"Look to be honest Kaine didn't mean to keep it from you and I'm sorry for poppin up this late I just really wanted to get this shit off my chest".

"if you here to defend him then I suggest you leave... respectfully"I said pointing at the door.

"That ain't what I'm here for"she shook her head "I just wanted to tell you that he been wanting to tell you but he didn't because he didn't wanna lose you".

"So y'all discuss me when yall together"I asked.

"It's only good things like just the other day he was thinking about what to get you for your birthday and shit".

"Even if that's the case I'm done putting up with all his drama"I said looking at the time.

"I have to go see my kids can we do breakfast someday?"I asked her picking up my car keys.

I offered to do breakfast because I didn't want it to seem like I was dismissing her and shit...I really appreciate the fact that she came through.

"Yeah just tell me when you free and maybe we should bring the kids with because after all they are siblings they need to know each other"she said as I nodded.

"Sure how about tomorrow morning?".

"Sounds good"she smiled.

I walked her to her car and we said our goodbyes...I really respect that she came here and felt the need to explain everything and also the fact that sis ain't hating.

"Kaija come on"I said loud enough for her to hear.

After sometime she came out holding a list of things.

"This errything I need"she said handing me the list as we went into the car.

"Damn girl this shit is a lil bit too much"I laughed looking at the amount of...........ridiculous things would be the best words to describe what I was seeing.

I shook my head and drove to Kaines crib.

I reversed into the garage so that when we leave I don't have to do too much...I can just drive straight out.

Me and Kaija went in the house through the garage door which lead to the kitchen...I went into the living room.

Kaine was tryna do Kaisha's hair and it was hair clips, hair bands and ponytail holders everywhere.

I cleared my throat making them snap their heads towards me.

"Tarji"Kaisha yelled running towards me.

"Mama"Kaire smiled jumping on my lap.

I knelt down and hugged both of them. I really missed them even though it's only been a couple of hours.

I stood up and swallowed the lump in my throat because I was nervous to talk to Kaine but it also felt good that I've decided to move on from him.

"I wanna talk to daddy so excuse us for a minute"I smiled and they nodded and ran into the study.

"Kaine"I said pressing my lips together.

"Babygirl"he nodded at me.

"I'm not yo baby girl nomo".

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