He pondered it for a few seconds. He clearly recalled the day of their visit to the prison, their escape, but after that his memories were a blurry mess, like his mind wasn't functioning properly. Flashing images played back; Peter's scream, his weapon piercing her skin. It was all a chaos.

'Me attacking Peter. I don't even know why I acted like that.'

'You were spellbound,' the old man explained. 'Your weapon was the reason you behaved in that manner.'

'So, all those weapons we uncovered...they...'

'They creep over the wielder until they are not who they used to be anymore. You are lucky. We healed you just in time.'

Recognition dawned on Matthew's face. All that time those thieves had been trafficking weapons dangerous for the people without knowing it, and the army had no idea. Someone had kept them in the dark in order to execute their plan in secret. A feeling of anger flourished inside him. 'And although you are aware of the danger of these weapons, you do nothing!' he accused the elves.

'It is impossible,' the old man protested. 'Imagine us, the elves, interfering into humans' business. We would be persecuted!'

'And what is possible?'

'Finding the source of evil. And eliminating it,' Landos offered.

Matthew sighed. That was the best option, indeed. The king was not so famous for his tolerant policy regarding the elves, and if they reached out to him, he most probably wouldn't believe them. Their making it known would cause more complications to the problem, and it was already too complicated. 'Okay,' he said after a moment's contemplation. 'I guess that is the best option. Where is Peter, by the way?'

'I have not seen Peter since yesterday.'

'Me neither,' added the old elf.

Matthew noticed his uneasy stance and narrowed his eyes. 'Am I missing something?'

The old man cleared his throat, his fingers playing with his medallion. 'I am not sure if I am the one you should hear it from, but I will tell you anyway. You must know if you wish to stay by his side.'

Matthew got a bad feeling about this. What if they know the truth?, he panicked. They could use it against her, he hadn't determined their motives yet. He looked at them with a blank expression, making sure he wouldn't reveal anything. 'What is it?'

'Peter is different. From all of us,' the old elf spoke.

'In what way?'

'He is not human. Nor elf. He is something in between. We have yet to clarify his powers. He might have none, but I cannot be certain.'

That definitely didn't go as he had predicted. He ran a hand through his hair in confusion. There was no way that was true. He had known her since they were kids and he couldn't be so clueless. Besides, humans and elves lived apart, the wall separating the two realms. 'What are you talking about?' he said loudly. 'I must be going crazy.'

The old elf came closer and put a hand on his shoulder. 'Peter's mother was an elf, and his father a human. They were killed by thieves.'

The news hit him like a ton of bricks. He tried to make sense out of all that, but it was just too much to handle. Is that why she doesn't talk about her past?, he wondered. It would excuse her constant efforts to stay away from the others.

'He wasn't aware of his history if this is what you are thinking about,' Landos said, as if he read his mind.

Matthew glanced at him with wide eyes. He couldn't imagine how painful it was for her to discover the truth, how all those years hope must have been the only thing that kept her moving forward, only to find out that she was living a lie. His heart ached for her, she he'd been through so much, and her misfortune seemed to have no end. 'Oh, God,' he whispered sadly. 'What are we going to—how did he take it?'

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