Chapter One

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"Put her back."

Izuku's eyes flew up, hands loosening from his laces - shoes the usual bright red - as he stood back up. His Unkie was stood in the door way to the kitchen, leaning against the side with his arms crossed.

Hizashi and Hitoshi both turned with raised eyebrows, the Uncle freezing his motion of helping Hitoshi do his tie in favour of watching.

"W-What do you mean?" 

Izuku maintained eye contact, careful not to change his breathing. He'd been good at lying as a child, at twisting the truth, but it had faltered a little when he moved in with an Underground Hero. He still managed it, but he'd learned. He'd gotten better.

But, he was let down by the quirk of his lips, twitching the left into a smirk for only a split second. 

Shouta's eyebrow raised, and he pointed to the bag conveniently on the kids back, before pointing to the ground. "Open it, now." 

Izuku's eyes moved to the clock, and he crossed his arms with equal stubbornness. "We're going to be late."

The Unkie raised his eyebrow further. "Late for when the teachers have to be there. We still have an hour on top of that for you. Bag."

Izuku pushed his eyebrow up. "Mr Nezu won't be h-happy if you're late again. Uncle p-promised you would be on t-time." Shouta's eyes flickered red as he blinked, Capture Weapon raising and ruffling slightly in warning.

"Izuku, now." Sighing in defeat, Izuku carefully pulled the bag from his back and put it gently on the floor. When it was done, he widened his eyes slightly and gestured to it. "Happy? Can w-we go now?" 

Shouta didn't miss a beat. "Open it."

Izuku hesitated a minute, looking at the door and thinking about legging it, before turning back with the conclusion it wouldn't be worth it. His Unkie would just scold him at school instead.

Crouching down and opening the bag - bright yellow as he always had and always will - Izuku kept his eyes low as his  Uncle lent to have a look.

The two notebooks had been pushed to the back of the bag, a fluffy blue blanket pooled at the bottom, and creating the nest for the white cat with muddy brown paws, green eyes curious as she peered up. 

Hizashi held back a laugh as Shouta sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"Izuku, put Paws back in her bed. You can't take her to school." Izuku grumbled under his breathe, scooping up his cat and stalking back to his room, putting her down gently and scratching her ear before going back to his bag.

Izuku was lucky, he thought. He had found out after many years that Shouta had found Skit and Stray years ago in a Quirk development lab, later finding Patch in a strand of the same research facility. Paws was a later discovery, but in another laboratory.

They had been experimented on with Quirks - which had made him nearly kill so many people - but they were all given a Quirk that gave them the life span of an average Human.

So Izuku was lucky, because he didn't know what he'd do if anything happened to Paws. 

Shouta held his bag out, an impassive look on his face. "Where's your lunch? Pencil case?"

Izuku pushed a look in Hitoshi's direction, tie now perfectly done and Hizashi looking amused by the whole situation. He wasn't quiet often, but it was times like these where he wouldn't utter a word and let the whole ordeal play out in front of him. 

"Shi w-was in on it."

Shouta raised his eyebrow, looking at the boys and dropping the bag into Izuku's hands. "Sort yourselves out, we're leaving in two minutes."

So, Izuku repacked his bag, heading to the door when Hizashi caught his arm. His eyes zoomed in on the horrendously done red tie. "Do you need help?" Izuku grinned and shook his head, pulling his backpack o.

"N-No! It's okay Uncle! I k-kinda like it!"

Sighing, Hizashi ruffled the kids hair and pushed them to the door, grabbing his keys. "Right, right, off we go! We giving Denki a lift?"

As he locked the door, Izuku looked at his phone, shaking his head. "N-No, he say's he's catching a l-lift from his Dad. I hope he's n-not late." Shouta grumbled from where he was, tucking his chin into his weapon.

"He won't be let off because I've known the twerp for years." 

Izuku batted his arm, tucking his phone in his blazer pocket and climbed into the car besides Hitoshi, looking the boy in the eye. He'd gotten better at reading Hitoshi. 

"Uncle Shouta, Izuku's zoning out again." 

Lurching back into reality Izuku pouted, dodging a wack to the side of the head, glaring threateningly at him. 

"Boys, stop it." Both murmured apologies, grinning as they delivered a final kick each, before turning back to the front, where UA was approaching.

Another feeling washed over Izuku, and he took in a shaky breathe.

He had made it, after so long, he had made it despite all odds. Smiling, the distant smell of lavender - he'd long wiped away the bad memories - made his smile grow.

'I made it Mama.'


I hope you guys enjoyed this!! I couldn't wait for more writing, and I couldn't let you guys wait forever!!

Until next Chapter my Little Disappointments!!

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