Chapter 10 :p

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Teams: Team waffle : John, Josephine, Codie, Beth and Samantha.

Team Syllable :Martha, Cindy, Eliza, Byron and Charlie.
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Day 13.

"I said shut up, unless you-ugh i cant even think just sh-" a voice said.I opened my eyes, all i saw was pitch black. I waved my hands frantically.

"Hello anyone?" i asked nervously.
"Ugh good your awake." Josephine said.

"Hey, wait where are we?" i asked, instantly feeling relieved. I felt the what seemed like walls. It felt like cold steel.

"I don't know how or why but we are for some reason and im really claust-" Codie started but Beth interuppted.

"Just let us OUT!" Beth shouted, pounding on the walls next to me.
"Um okay?" Samantha sighed across from me in the pitch black.

"Ugh if only i picked the torches bro." Codie muttered. My heart sank. Me amd Codie picked smartphones instead of torches amd nighy vision goggles. "Wait check our phones guys. There might be a torch option." Samantha suggested.

We all got our new phones out and turned them on. "Ugh my other phone is back at the house. If only i could get it back." Codie sighed.

"If we get back to to the house you mean!" Beth cried. I heard some thumping to my left.

#"Whats up with Beth?"#

"This is probably Percy's doing. Were on a reality tv show so he won't starve us. Wherever we are." Samantha replied, trying to calm Beth down.

"Were probably booted from the competition anyway if we STARVE down here!" Beth shouted, thumping the walls next to her.

"Beth please calm yourself or i will get angry and vote you out. I want to win this competition today. Im assuming this is the start. If you mess this up, i will personally force everyone to vote you." Josephine ranted.

Beth grunted and light filled the room. Samanthas torch from her phone turned on. We all cheered her except from Beth who seemed to be sobbing in a corner.

" Team waffle has completed the first task to work a strategy and use it to their advantage. This was the first of many parts of todays challenge." Percy's voice came from somewhere.

Samanthas light flicked off and a light turned on in the room.

"You are in a box of steel. Of coure you won't starve or die in here. It is for challenge purposes only and we have tested all these challenges before. We also have medics on site today, just in case for you worrierers.

Beth stopped sobbing and smiled. She knew that she wasnt going to die and that she was still in the competition.

"So yes you guys will be returning to the house and still compete for the hundred thousand pounds after this double elimination episode." Percy continued.
#" Well this is being recorded, meaning i wont die today."#

"Challenges you said." Josephine spoke into the steel wall, locating Percys hidden speaker.

"Yes Cindy and Josephine you are correct. I better get on with the rules. By the way both teams can hear this and so can the world!" Percy squealed.

"Anyway all of you will be doing a mini challenge. In your mini challenges. There will be prize points. This will determine how well you did at your challenge."

A compartment opened from above. The lightbulb that appeared from above flicked off for half a sceond. When the light came back on, a tv was hanging in the middle of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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