Chapter 10

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Prussia drove up to Greenlands home and stopped in front. She rushed out weaeing black heels, and a purple cocktale dress, much different than her usual marune hoodie and denim shorts with red converse. Prussia smirked and whistled.

"someone took my advice on being fancy!" he said.

Greenland slipped in the car and pecked Prussia.

"You did say to dress fancy, you look rather fine yourslef." She smiled.

he grinned back and began driving.


They both got out of the car.

"Gil, this is your house." Greenland said.

"I know. After our website battle the other day and you apologized to your brother i had time to put something together!" he smiled.

"yeah... sorry about that..." Greenland blushed looking down embarassed.

Prussia smiled and took her hand. "Its alright, i was at my breaking point too, Besides your hot when your mad." he winked, making her blush even more.

they both headed to the backyard and Greenland gasped in estonishment.

"Oh my christ, Gilbert! This is beautiful!!" she complimented.

Gilber had taken the entire backyard and turned it into a total romantic house. There were rose pedals everywhere. The table had a white table cloth and in the middle were a boque of roses. Candles were lit everywhere to set the mood.

"Of course, the awesome me couldnt have done this by himself. I had Antonio to cook and France to decarate but other than that its all me!" he smiled.

Greenland smiled and kissed him passionately "I love it." she said smiling earning a smile in return. The both sat down and looked down to see a plate of pasta. Awesome.


throughout their dinner they exganged romanic gestures and kisses a few times here and there.

" so Tori."


"I wan wondering how did you become a country."

Greenland cleared her throat and put her fork down "do you really wan to know?"

"Well yeah, I mean, your know my history. I want to know yours."

She leaned in "Well it all began when Norway and Denmark found me."



Audience: Who?

Narrator: Shut the fuck up...


"Denmark, why did you bring me all the way out here?" Norway asked as his hand was being forcfully held by his obnoxious yet loving boyfriend Denmark.

"I heard theres a new country thats suppose to be here!" Denmark shouted rather loudly.

"And why should we care?"

"Because its so close to me, that means its going to be my little sister or brother!" He cheered.

"Alright but that doesnt answer why you brought the rest of us here." He looked back to see Iceland following close behind and Sweden and Finland were behind. Finland was latched onto Swedens arm.

"Because you guys are its big brothers too and that means that we all have to take care of it. Mostly me though!"

"If its your sibling then why dont you just take care of it?" Iceland asked.

"do you realy trust me with a child by myself? Even i know thats too much responsibility!" Denmark said.

they all continued walking till Sweden stopped.

"hm? What is is Su-San?" Finland chirped.

"Over there. Is a little girl." Sweden said pointing to the ocean.

They all look over to see a little girl. She wore a white long sleeve button down, a brown skirt, black tights, and brown combat boots. Her hair was long and she had a red flower in her hair. She had a rather small artic fox and was stabbing the water visiously.

"is that her?" iceland asked

"I hope not." Norway said.

They watched as the stabbed the water and screamed "YOU! YOU KILLED MY FATHER!!"

They all looked at eachother then back at the girl.

"I guess I will go talk to her." Said Finland.

He walked up to the litle girl and she looked up at his jumping and taking a step back.

"Wh-who are you?" she asked in a shaky voice.

"Hello little girl, my name is Finland. Those are my my boyfriend and brothers Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark." She looked back at the other men.

"are they all countries?" she asked innocently.

"We are actually. What is your name?" He asked bending down to her height.

"M-my human name was V-Victoria b-but a voice told me that i am now refered to as G-Greenland..." she stuttered.

Finland frowned "Are you all alone here?"

She noddedthen pounced on Finland. she nestled her head into his shoulder crying. He hugged her back and picked her up.

he walked back to the other countries.

"Well?" Said Iceland.

"who is she?" asked norway.



"say hello to your new little sister, Greenland."

he put greenland down and she looked up at Denmark. Denmark bent down to her level.

"Hello, Greenland. Im your big brother, Denmark." he said slowly.

"Big brother?" she said.

He went stiff and blood started to leak from his nose from the cuteness.

"S-so cute." he said.

she smiled and said it again "Big brother!"

she ran to him and hugged his legs. he hugged her back and he laughed.

"thats right! Im your big brother!" they both sat there giggling and hugging eachother.

Norway elbowed Iceland "Why cant you call me big brother like how you used to huh?!" he scolded.




Prussia stared at her in awe "Wow. That just stabbed me in the feels."

Greenland giggled "Yep."

"Wait when did this all happen?"

"In 1979!"

He choked on his wine.

"What?! That means your like 45 yeard old!"

"Mhm! Problem?"

"What! No! Im just so much older than you." he said rubbing the back of his head.

she grabbed his tie and pulled him close to her "Age is just a number." and with that they ended the night in a passionate non smutty boring ass kiss because im not allowed to do smut!

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