Beck&jade meet - part 1

Start from the beginning

Over the summer cat asked me to dye her hair red velvet I said yes the third time knowing she would keep asking until I said yes.

~becks pov~

André and I walked into our first class, improv.

The teacher wasn't there yet and most the class was. I saw two girls that really caught my eye. One of them had red hair which is probably the reason why I noticed her and the other was dressed in dark clothing and had coloured streaks in her hair. There were only a few seats left so we sat behind the two girls.

A few minutes late the teacher walked in.
"Hello everybody I'm your acting teacher please do not call me mr sikowitz it sounds weird so call me sikowitz" he said "now the lesson!"

He seemed a bit odd, he had no shoes and dressed weirdly but he has a lot if enthusiasm which was good.

"Today we are going to get to know each other! I've said a bit about me now it's your turn tell us about you! Boy with curly hair and puppet you go first!" He said and pointed at an awkward looking guy, he seemed nice but his puppet made him look weird that was then but then he said something making him seem weirder.
"He's not a puppet! That's an offensive term!" He shouted annoyed.

He walked up to the front holding his puppet.
"Hi I'm Robbie Shapiro, I like to play the guitar" he introduced
"And I'm Rex, I like girls any type unless your ugly I don't like ugly girls" he made the puppet speak and introduce him
"Okaaaayyy thank you next! You!" He said and pointed and André

He walked up to the front confidently.
"Hi guys I'm André Harris I love music" he said and sat back down

I didn't listen to the rest really, they were quite boring.

~jades pov~

We were sat in class introducing ourself to everyone, I really didn't want to but what choice do I have. I wasn't listening to anyone really they were all boring or weird.

"Next up happy and excited girl with red hair" he said and pointed at cat
"Yay!" She said

She came up to the front and spoke what felt like her whole life story.
"Hi everyone my name is Caterina Valentine but you can call me cat! My hair is this colour because I love red velvet cupcakes and this is the exact colour of a red velvet cupcake it doesn't taste of them though. I love to sing and act it's really fun. Ooo talking of fun my brother-" ugh I didn't want to sit through another one of a story about her brother

She came back and sat down.

"Thank you for that cat it was interesting" sikowitz said "hmmm who's next? Boy with the amazing fluffy hair you up"

~becks pov~

"Hmmm who's next! Boy with the amazingly fluffy hair you up!" He pointed at me

I stood up and walked to the front.
"My name is beck Oliver I love to act and it's a dream of mine to act on films" I said and sat back down

A lot of the girls were staring at my hair.

Everyone went until there was one left. The girl who shouted at cat because she was gonna tell as story about her brother.

~jades pov~

I'm last person to do it.
"And the last person is you" he said and pointed at me

I rolled my eyes and went up to the stage.
"My name is jade West that's all you need to know" I said hoping I would get away with that and made my way back to my chair
"Say a fact about yourself" the teacher said. Ugh
"I just did my name is a fact" I said
"I wanna know an interesting fact!" He said
"C'mon jadey just say one fact about you" cat pleaded
"What did I say about you calling me jadey" I said irritated "fine I'll say something"

I walked back up to the stage.
"I like scissors and if you piss me off your dead" and sat back down
"Well it's something" sikowitz said nervously

~becks pov~

I looked around and everyone seemed scared of her but I didn't for some reason, she couldn't scare me. It'd be fun to get to know her a bit more.

~after class becks pov~

I was on my way to my next lesson and I spotted jade.
I called out for her.
"What?" She said
"What's your next lesson" I asked trying to make a conversation
"1 why should I tell you 2 why would you care" she questioned
"I was just interested" I said, okay this is harder than I thought but I'm not gonna give up

"JADE!" I heard a familiar voice say. Cat.

I was so confused that they were friends they are complete opposites.
"What" she said turning to face cat
"Do you have theatre history next?" She asked
"Mmh" jade said
"YAY! Same" cat said excitedly clearly annoying jade
"I'll see you around" I said and walked away

~In class jades pov~

I was bored we weren't doing much.
"So jade I saw you with beck" cat whispered to me
"Cat seriously it's nothing he came up to me and I ignored him" I said, she clearly got the wrong idea.
"If you say so"

~at lunch becks pov~

We were now friends with Robbie, he's not that bad he's quite nice actually but still really weird.
"Hey guys!" He said and sat down with us
"Hey man" André said
"Sooo I have same news" Robbie said
"What's the news" I asked
"Well I'm one of my lessons I was paired up with cat and she's really nice so I invited her to eat lunch with us I hope that's okay because I've already promised her" he said
"Yeah sure that's fine" André answered
"Yeah totally it'd be great to make some new friends" I said

Secretly I hoped that cat bought her friend jade with her.


Do I have a crush on jade?

No I can't I've just met her.

Maybe I do.

No one can know.

~jades pov~

"Come on jade pleeeeaaaaaseeeeee" cat begged
"Ugh fine" I finally gave in cat wanted me to eat with her new friend Robbie because she didn't want to go alone and she already promised.

We headed over to where Robbie and his friends were with our lunch. He was sat with André and beck.

Cat sat down next to Robbie and I sat the other side of cat.

I didn't bother listening to the conversation instead I minded my own business and stabbed my salad with my fork.

First chapter! This is really long I hope you liked it!

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