Xander looked thoughtful. "Perhaps not. He's done it before."

Quiet laughter rumbled through the room. Fiona realised they were talking about Feyre Cursebreaker, but that hardly gave her hope. What the High Lord of the Night Court was willing to do for his mate and what he was willing to do for a bastard Vanserra were likely very different.

"Maybe your old man can broker a deal," Cassian suggested to Xander, topping up his daughter's glass. "If anyone can persuade a weasel like Eris it's Rhys."

"And then I'd...what- live here?" Her eyes passed over those gathered around the table, their answering nods warming her heart.

"If that's what you would want." Xander told her. Fiona turned to him, the faintest ghost of a smile playing at his lips. 

"Of course that's what I'd want." She hardly dared whisper in the firelight, afraid that fate might hear and change her tune. Her eyes slid to Bella, who was leaning back with that coy, dangerous smile of hers. "If you would have me, I wouldn't rather be anywhere else in the world." Fiona beamed. 

Cassian grinned back, canines flashing in a way that reminded her of his daughter. "If you have as many cousins as I've heard, Fiona, then surely your uncle could be persuaded to let you go."

"I'm afraid it might not be as simple as all that."

Heads turned as Nyx appeared, a blur of magenta magic fading behind him. Leaning against the awning in the hall, something in his posture was unusually severe as he took in the company in the dining room. Diana was beside him, though as usual his short, wingless mate kept silent as the first son of Night prowled toward the others. 

"You've returned from court." Xander said, a little stupidly. Perhaps the wine had lulled him out of his usual careful canniness, or perhaps, like Fiona, he was taken aback by the stiffness in his brother's shoulders, the sternness of his brow.

"Yes brother, I've returned from court," Nyx's lip twitched a little. Diana melted away from his side to sit near Gabriel, who regarded his sister with a look Fiona couldn't quite place. "While you've been playing house these last few days," Nyx growled. "Father and I have been trying to sort out the mess you made."

Fiona felt Xander bristle beside her, but frowned. "The mess who made?"

Nyx's eyes slid to Fiona, and suddenly she wished she hadn't asked.

"Lord Eris refuses to depart." he explained gravely. "He keeps his entire court with him, and they begin to grow discontent. He's causing quite the scene." 

There was a heavy moment of silence before Cassian grunted, wood creaking beneath him. "Rhys will talk to him." he said firmly, half to Nyx and half to Fiona. "He'll sort it out."

Nyx looked as though he might protest but Riordan piped up. "Eris is opportunistic to his core," he commented. "I wouldn't be surprised if he's making a fuss in favour of gaining something from Rhysand."

"He won't miss a chance to negotiate." Gabriel hiccuped, agreeing. 

Rhysand's eldest glanced around the room and then sighed. His wings slumped a little as he took a seat, though his movements were still coiled and cat-like even in fatigue. "Will the rest of you give Fiona and I a moment alone, please?"

The room had departed before Fiona had even registered what he was saying. The wine was fuzzing her thoughts but she knew to be alert. Xander spared her a glance from the doorway before he disappeared. 

Once they were alone, Nyx turned to face her, his gaze earnest and his posture slumped.

"Fiona," Nyx sighed again. "I can understand why you would want to stay with us and find a place here in Velaris. But you don't understand the scope of the situation. You know Eris - this isn't about some darling niece, this is about pride."

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