Chapter Fourteen

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  The monster crawls away to another part of the room and we crawl out from under the shelves and climb up onto a higher shelf, I see the monster above a table messing with a mannequin. I jump down onto some cloth and duck behind a box with Mono right beside me, the monster goes over to some cabinets and I sneak over behind another box. The monster is dressed in a white coat.

Alright, let's call him the Doctor, he plays with the mannequins like they're his patients and he has a white coat like a doctor.

  As the Doctor goes over to some more cabinets me and Mono sneak through a hole in the wall, we emerge into a dark room with beds, I go to take out my flashlight but to door beside us opens.


  The doctor crawls into the room and goes to the bed beside ours, he messes with the mannequin and once he's done he crawls over to another area full of beds. Me and Mono sneak out from under our beds and hide under a couple more as the Doctor moves to another bed. We hide behind a cart and I see a door with a button, I need something to throw at it. I peek around the edge of the cart and look for something, I see some toys at the far end of the room, the only problem is that's where the Doctor is.

The thing I need with the thing that can kill me, what's new?

  I sneak over to a table beside a bed and hide under it as the Doctor crawls around, Mono is staying hidden behind the cart I was just at. I wave him over but he shakes his head and hugs his knees, I mentally sigh.

He can be so stubborn.

  The Doctor crawls over to a bed and I sneak under the middle bed as he occupies himself. I stay hidden as he starts crawling around and with how my luck goes he crawls over to my bed, I hear him mess around with the mannequin above me and he soon crawls away to a different bed. I crawl under the bed beside the way and quickly dart out grabbing a monkey head.

  I sneak back under my bed right as the Doctor finishes messing with his mannequin. He goes over to the bed right beside me and I wait for him to crawl away, when he does I quickly sneak back to the table I was hiding under. I see Mono still hiding behind the cart, I hope he'll be okay when I throw this head at the button, I'm sure the button will buzz. I wait for the Doctor to go over to a far away mannequin before I throw the head at the button, as I predicted the button buzzes and I hide under my table again as I hear the Doctor grunt in surprise.

  The Doctor crawls past both me and Mono and goes into the next room, he looks around before crawling away to some unknown area. I run out from under my table and slam into Mono as he walks out from behind the cart. "Hey it's okay Six." He says to me, I wrap my arms around him holding him close. "No, no it's not! You could've gotten caught and killed!" I scream into his chest. He pushes me away and leans down to look me in the eyes, he puts his hands on my my shoulders. "Six, I'm fine, alright, no 'could'ves' just be happy with what's happened, and that I'm okay."

  I smile at him and grab his hand. "Alright, wanna go run away from a killer doctor?" I ask, Mono smiles and gives a small laugh. "Sure." We walk into the next room and I see a climable shelf with a vent above it, I point it out to Mono and we climb up. We sit at the top for a moment our feet dangling in the air and I turn to Mono to see him drawing in the dust. He draws a shape that's similar to the music box he was playing with, I reach over and grab the hand he isn't drawing with. He looks up at me in surprise, I take one of his fingers to draw a stick figure holding hands with one that's in a poorly drawn raincoat.

  "There, now we'll always be together." I say to him. He smiles at me and stands up, holding out his hand. I take it and we crawl into the vent together leaving behind our stick figure selves to hold hands for eternity. When we crawl into the vent I see large holes in our floor, suddenly a door below us opens and large hands use the holes to crawl on the ceiling.

Stupid Doctor.

  We continue forward dodging the holes and soon we come to the opening, I crawl out and walk on the ceiling looking around. I see a door with a lock and figure I have to find a key to open it, I jump down through a hole in the ceiling onto a cart with a body, and I jump to the floor. Mono follows me and I see an open door in a morgue box, I run over to it and crawl through, the door up ahead is open some and when I push on it it won't move. I give up and crawl back to Mono. "The door on the other side won't move but there is another side."

  He nods and points to a box on a slider. "Maybe you could crawl in there and I could push you through?" I nod and climb into the box, my feet hit squishy flesh and I gag. Mono pushes the box to the other side and I hop out quickly. I see some open shelves with bodies in them, I also see a key on a table too high for me to reach.

How to get the key?

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