Chapter Three

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Your phone screen glitches. First you think it's Wattpad messing up. Then you see a black figure with no features appear on screen.

FINALLY! I FIGURED OUT HOW TO GET ONTO THE PHONE! HELLO VEIWERS, I need to stop shouting. Anyways I forgot to give a shoutout to to the person who gave me the title idea. Shrugs. Sorry Fousefour44. You deserve a shoutout. Anyways. I hope Fousefour44 can forgive me for forgetting a shoutout and take this one as a apology.

Stands on the roof of the Singal Tower.


The scream echoes throughout the Pale City.

That should do it. Anyways, enjoy this chapter and have a good day/night!

Your phone screen goes back to normal and you start reading the new chapter.


  We drift across the ocean on our door and the cold fog swirls around us. Mono keeps to himself occasionally sticking his hand in the water and pulling it back out. I wonder where we're heading to. We drift by a bottle and it looks like it has a message in it, but I'm not about to risk my life to read a message in a bottle. I see a buoy in the distance, the fog almost making it impossible to see. We start drifting by some tvs and I think we're getting close to our destination, I don't know how I know, I just do. Suddenly a city appears through the fog. All the buildings are leaning towards the water. I see one of them crumbling as we get close.

Please don't fall into the water, please stay up.

  We get closer to the city and it looms over us. Me and Mono stand up as we get close to the city.

How are we going to make it through this place?

  The city is huge, surely we'll get lost. Our door drifts up onto the small beach and I grab Mono's hand as we walk forward towards a illuminated doorway. We pass a tv that's off and I don't like walking so close to it. We walk through the doorway and into a room with a hole in the roof. I look up at the hole and see some clothes hanging out of a broken tv. There's more tvs hanging by ropes. We walk over to a hole in the wall and crawl through it. I jump down from a box under the hole and look around. More tvs are scattered throughout the streets.

  Me and Mono continue forward and crawl through a window into what looks like a diner. There's clothes in the barstools, like people where there and then simply... dissapeared. I get chills despite having a trench coat on. We walk past the empty barstools, through a small hallway, and into a room with a pile of tvs. I see a small window over by a wall and I think I can get through it with a boost from Mono. "Hey Mono, can I get some help?" I ask pointing to the window. He nods and goes to the window cupping his hands. I put my foot in his hands and let him boost me up.

  I land on the other side of the wall and I see a tv connected to a rope, another tv broken on the ground, and a noose hanging over a gap in the floor. The noose looks as if it's connected to the tv through a pully system. I get an idea. "Hey Six! You okay over there?" Calls Mono. "Yeah, gimme a minute." I call back. I climb up onto the broken tv and jump over to the noose. I grab onto it and swing back and forth. I gain enough momentum to hit the tv with my feet. I hit it one time and it starts to tip. A second time and it leans precariously. A third time and it falls over the edge while I get pulled up to the next floor.

  I swing over and jump down onto the landing. I feel safe now that I'm not swinging over a pit of doom. I walk through a small hallway and I see another tv connected to a pully system. I follow the rope and see it's connected to the tv on the very top of the pile. "Hey Mono!" He walks into my field of vision. "There you are! For a minute I thought you left me behind." Did I catch a note of... sadness? I shake it off. "I'd never leave you! I need to get on that tv!" I say pointing to the tv on top of the pile. He climbs up onto it and I go over to my tv. I push it off the ledge and he flies up past me to the next floor.

  I walk back to the landing and walk up some stairs till they end at a drop off. Mono looks at where he's standing and crouches down holding out his hand. "I'll catch you!" He calls over. I step back and run towards him my hand outstretched. He grabs my hand and pulls me up. I sigh with relief and we continue upward. I see a broken beam ahead and I balance on it. I walk across it till I come to a gap, I jump across the gap and walk up some stairs. Mono isn't far behind me. We walk through a door that has two boards on it and I look up to see clothes hanging from a noose.

Looks like this guy got his wish, a bit to literally.

  I see a gap in a door in front of me and I hear a weird sound behind it. I squeeze through the gap and into a room with a tv. The tv turns on by itself and starts playing loud static. I cover my ears and drop my head. It hurts so bad. I walk towards the tv wanting to turn it off. As I near the tv I put my hand up searching for the knob to turn it off. My hand presses against the screen and suddenly the loud static stops. I open my eyes and look up at the tv. There's a picture of a warped hallway on screen. I focus on straightening the hallway and the tv listens to me.


  The hallway straightens and the screen brightens making a loud sound as if tuning in. The tv turns to static for a minute before the hallway warps again. I focus on straightening the tv again. As I straighten the tv suddenly I feel a pulling sensation and I get dragged into the tv. I stand up and look around. I'm in that hallway I was trying to straighten. I start to walk down it towards a door with a eye on it. I have to open the door, I have to. About a third of the way down the hallway time slows and I feel another pulling sensation. Suddenly I'm yanked out of the tv and fall onto my back. I sit up and see Mono pulled me out of the tv. The tv clicks off and I look around the room. There's an open window and I go over to it.

  I pull myself up onto the sill and jump down into an overflowing dumpster. Mono falls down beside me and we jump down onto the streets. I see a chainlink fence with a dumpster in front of some of it. I also see a big building behind it with a eye shaped clock.

Creepy much?

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