I: Taken

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The very moment he was tossed inside one of the bedrooms of the castle he was taken right to, Brian Eisner hauled himself up onto the bed next to him and turned to look right at the very person who had captured him from the house where both he and his younger twin sister were living in. "No matter how many days it takes her to do so, I know Nova will come here to get you out of my realm.", Dimitri told Brian, who glared at him. "Therefore, I'm going to leave you here to make sure she eventually finds her way into my castle through the maze.", he said before he left and closed the bedroom doors behind him. After a while of searching their whole house for Brian, Nova Eisner tasks their parents with cleaning up the house when they arrive and goes right to her bedroom, where she walks over to the window. "I'm coming to save you, Brian.", she promised as she looked at the realm outside her window. "Well. here goes nothing.", she said and closed her green eyes. "I wish to be teleported straight to the elf realm!", she declared and was teleported to the maze. "I can't back down from figuring out this whole maze now. Their king took Brian and I'd like to learn why.", she said as she entered the maze to start heading towards the castle to free her older twin brother and get him back home. Nova jumped when a small fairy landed on her left hand. "Oh! I didn't mean to scare you!", the fairy said. "It's alright. Besides, I'm here to save my brother.", she replied. "Oh! I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself to you. My name is Mercedes.", the fairy said. "Mercedes. What a pretty name.", she replied. "Well then. I don't mind if you decide to call me by my first name Nova.", she added. "Nova. I like it.", Mercedes said.

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