The Flashback: Billions of Years

Start from the beginning

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"M-Mommy... Dadd-ddy..." A young, innocent child mumbled, tears were crawling down her cheeks.

"We didn't do anything bad to you! Why are you doing this to us!" Her mom said as she and her husband got lifted up by their necks.

"Dahyun! Run!" Her dad shouted as they were slowly suffocating to death.

Dahyun couldn't, she couldn't do anything but to watch them.

"Dahyun! Pl-Please... Save y-your...self!!" Her mom shouted.

"I'm s-scared!" She said as she was wiping her tears off, sobbing loudly.

"Killing two at once, so you'll not resurrect each other." Jihyo said.

"Da-ahyun... I l-love. . . yo-ou..." Her mother said her last words.

Seconds passed, their hands that was holding Jihyo's wrists had fell down.

Jihyo then dropped them on the ground, they're finally dead.

"Finally, that's the last of them." Jihyo sat down and took a deep breath, she was very exhausted.

She then saw the crying Dahyun in front of her eyes.

"Run now, kid. I'll kill you later." Jihyo said as she layed down on Dahyun's parents' bed. "I'll just take a nap, I haven't sleep for decades."

Jihyo yawned as she slowly closed her eyes, her eyes stopped glowing.

"Or should I kill... you. . . right..." She then started snoring as she finally fell asleep, not caring about Dahyun who was sobbing endlessly.

Timeskip. . .

Jihyo slowly opened her eyes as she groaned and stretched her whole body.

She rubbed her eyes and looked at the blood-stained ceiling.

She was wondering, how many mortals did she killed?

"Billions of years... I took quintillions of lives." She thought as she smirked. "Compared to the other gods, I'm the strongest."

She then felt unusual in her right arm.

She then looked at her right and saw the sleeping child using her arm as a pillow, the trails of her tears were still in her cheeks.

She widened her eyes as she immediately sat up.

She never slept with someone before, and she didn't want to, she got very angry.

Jihyo put her hands on Dahyun's neck and started to strangle her.

"I-I. . . Love. . . You. . . Please don't. . . Leave me." Dahyun mumbled in her sleep.

"No one's gonna leave you because they left you already." Jihyo said as she grinned evilly, having fun to see the young child slowly suffering to death.

Jihyo wasn't the god she used to be billions of years ago.

As the gods learned about the universe, the way they saw it, they could turn to evil or become good-hearted.

And their father let the good ones be, while the evil ones...

"Ahh!" Jihyo felt a strong heartbeat as she let go of Dahyun's neck and held her chest in pain.

She felt weak, her stamina and power was draining again.

She knew what was the reason.

"Curse you, Father!" She shouted and gritted her teeth, she layed herself down on the bed again and bend her knees up to her chest.

"My daughter... When will you stop disobeying my orders?" She heard her father's voice.

"I will not stop and I don't want to stop! Let me be!" Jihyo shouted.

"Well then." Jihyo felt her entire body was in excruciating pain, she felt as if she was being crushed, burned, stabbed by millions of needles. She was experiencing all kinds of pain, making her scream louder.

She started to float. Her eyes glowed much brighter than a star, lighting up the entire home as she was releasing too much energy to ease the pain. But it wasn't working.

"Look at the young kid, my child." Her father spoke up.

"N-No..." She said, her tears escaped her eyes out of excruciating pain.

Then, her father forced her to turn her head, making Jihyo look at the young Dahyun.

She felt the time slowed down, she then saw her diamond tears as she was sleeping peacefully.

"Tell me, Jihyo. What have you been doing for billions of years?" His father asked as he stopped putting Jihyo suffering in agony.

Jihyo fell down on the bed, laying sideways as she saw the sleeping child in front of her.

She wanted to kill her right now, but she was too weak to do so. She couldn't move a muscle due to the excruciating pain and the large amount of energy she released.

All she did was to watch her sleep, the two of them were releasing tears.

"Damn you, Father." Jihyo slowly closed her eyes, she passed out due to what happened to her.

When Gods Became Evil (Twice and ITZY Yeji x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now