fifty four

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cindy decided to have a little get together at her apartment. it was simply a small little gathering of her friends since they haven't had one in so long. she was planning on just inviting the obx crew, including rudy, but for some reason, last minute she decided to invite colson as well. was this a mistake? who knows. was inviting colson and rudy a mistake? probably. she just didn't wanna seem shady for not inviting them, y'know?

mady, chase, and drew were the first to arrive. she welcomed them all with big hugs and they began to chat. then came austin , jonathan, and rudy who joined in on the conversation. cindy hugged austin and jd, and gave rudy a small smile. then madison showed up, who she welcomed with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. then finally, arriving fashionably late, in walked in colson baker.

"there he is," chase announced loudly, "love the new album, man."

"hey, thanks so much , it was a lot of fun to make," colson replied with a smile.

he sat down right next to cindy on the couch, not hesitating to put his arm around the back of the sofa, which prompted cindy to lean into his side. this caught rudy's attention and caused him to furrow his eyebrows, which caught cindy's attention. they were now making eye contact, and cindy's breath got caught in her throat. she felt like she was choking and she started coughing.

colson patted her back, "you alright, cin?"

oh god, that's what rudy used to call me, she thought worriedly.

rudy took in a big breath to calm himself down.

"oh yeah, i'm all good," she coughed, "i'm just gonna get some water." she stood up and walked to the direction of the kitchen, but instead walked out the front door.

"fuck," she sat down on the ground outside her apartment, sliding down the wall onto the floor.

what the hell is going on? why couldn't she catch her breath? why did she invite both of them?

right when that third question popped into her mind, rudy walked right out that front door, as if he heard her thought.

he said nothing, he just sat down right next to her, sitting in the same position she's in with his knees up and his elbows on the top of his knees.

"do you actually like him?" he asked quietly, staring straight ahead, not looking at her.

she looked at the side of his face for a second before saying, "i'm assuming you mean colson."

he nodded

"i don't know," she sighed, "he's nice and funny. he's been there for me, too. i mean he even let me complain about you."

"you talk about me to him?"

"yeah, not a lot though," she replied sheepishly.

"he probably thinks i'm an asshole , then," he laughed slightly.

"i mean, you kinda are," cindy also laughed.

"i know," he looked into her eyes, "im sorry, cindy."

"the thing that i have never understood is why. why did you see no other option than breaking up with me?" cindy had been holding this question in for so long, it felt good to finally ask.

he looked away for a second before looking back into her eyes, "i guess i was scared."

"of what?"

"i wish i could give a better answer, but i don't know, i think i thought i would be a burden if we went through with long distance," he finally told her the truth.

"i just don't understand, though, why would you think that? i told you multiple times that i want to do long distance," she replied with some anger in her voice, "and the worst part is that i wanted to be mad at you so badly. i wanted to move on and stop thinking about you constantly, but everytime i tried, every single thing reminded me of you. i couldn't even look another guy in the eyes without thinking of the color of yours. i still can't even get into a relationship because everything always comes back to you. and even when i-"

cindy was interrupted by rudy's lips on hers. the feeling that both of them had been missing for so long was finally happening. she grabbed his face with her hands and he grabbed hers. they began to laugh, which broke apart the kiss. they smiled at each other immediately.

"i still love you cindy," he spoke quietly.

she didn't say anything, not because she didn't love him back, but because she was still in shock.

"please say something, i'm starting to feel like i completely misinterpreted your little speech," he laughed and she laughed too.

"i love you too, rudy."

they both leaned in again, this time cindy was the one to deepen the kiss by putting her arms around his neck. he moved her onto his lap. rudy pulled away.

"wait-" cindy continued to kiss down his jawline, but hummed in confusion, "we're still in the middle of the hallway."

"oh shit," cindy said as she pulled away, looking at their surroundings, "let's go inside."

"but everyone is in there," rudy said with a confused look on his face.

"i know, so let's join them," cindy said with a smirk, "one second, stay still," cindy reached up and wiped lipgloss off his lips and jaw, "there we go, beautiful."

he laughed and followed her as she headed back inside. he let her walk ahead and waited in the kitchen for a bit. after a minute or so he walked back into the room. he sat down in his original spot and looked over at cindy to see she was already looking at him, with a small smile.

rindy's back?????!!!!?? or is it?????? lol thanks for reading :)))

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