Chapter 30: Daddy

Start from the beginning

“Really, Daddy?” I asked with even more surprise.

“Of course. You get to take Danielle with you, so it will be almost like you have a room-mate. Your mother said that you're becoming friends with her. I think that's nice.”

“Well, that's one of the things I have to talk to you about. Danielle is most likely not going to come with me. She and Veronica are going to start a clothing business together. So, I wonder if maybe...umm, well Preston would come with me, of course. Maybe I can take two of my cars, one for Preston, and one for me, if I want to drive myself somewhere.”

“What?” He said. “You don't know how to drive.”


“Um, yeah, well in case I want to learn. If I drive to classes, Preston and my other servant could use the car for errands or whatever.”

“It's fine if Preston teaches you to drive, but maybe you should start here, before you move. Who else do you want to take with you if Danielle can't go? Addie maybe? Or maybe Marcella?”

“Well, I don't really need a personal servant to do my hair and lay my clothes out for me. But I was thinking of...maybe...I mean he's a good cook, and this job only lasts through the summer, and well, I was wondering....”

My dad burst out laughing and said, “Spit it out already! You want Louis to go with you, don't you?”

“Yeah, if you wouldn't mind keeping him on as an employee. He's very responsible, and he knows how to do a lot of different things. I mean, I don't know how long he'll be able to stay because he's planning to go to med school and-”

My dad laughed again, shaking my shoulders gently. “It's fine, Baby Girl. I can talk to Louis. I know you're good friends with him. Maybe I'd better talk to Preston, too, and have those boys learn some self-defense since I'm going to make sure they take damn good care of you!”

“Thanks, Daddy. I love you.” I kissed him on the cheek and wrapped my arms around his neck.

“Love you, too, Baby.”

“Oh, and one more thing," he said as I was leaving. "It's okay if you want Louis to teach you to drive as well.” He gave me a wink and I walked away feeling like I'd just stolen candy from a baby.

I was in a daze as I went to find Louis. I couldn't believe my plan had fallen into place so easily.  My father didn't make a big deal out of the fact that I didn't want to go to Harvard. And he said Louis could come with me, without giving it a second thought. He didn't scream or yell, and he certainly didn't slap me. He had never hit me; and I had been quite shocked at the way he'd reacted the other day when my mother slapped me. I thought he knew how brutal she was.

I was slowly realizing that I had an ally in my father. He was still tough, and he still liked things to go his way, but I never thought he would be so understanding about the choices I've made, or at least wanted to make.

I found Louis in the garden, trimming up some hedges. His t-shirt was tucked into his shorts and his torso was glistening with sweat. He had a baseball cap on and some ear buds. He was bopping away to something on his iPod and he didn't even notice that I was there.

I stood and watched for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if there was no music playing, except whatever was inside his head. He was always so creative, so happy, so upbeat. I loved the energy he possessed.

I walked a little closer and he noticed me, so he took the earbuds out. “Hey, there's my girl,” he said. He leaned over and kissed my lips, which I didn't resist, but then I looked around quickly to make sure no one had seen us.

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