Chapter 5: A Taste of Wrath

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"V-Vulture," Sepia stammered, scared for her life for the first time.

"Ah, yes. Sepia, is it?" Vulture smiled coyly.

"Yes. What are you doing with Cloud? This is my fault not his."

Cloud's eyes were wide with fear, but he couldn't speak. Vulture's talons were clamped over his mouth.

"Oh, no dear Sepia. This is all Cloud's fault. He forced you to switch places with him so that he wouldn't be embarrassed." Vulture sighed. "I would have given you the chance to trade. I am merciful, you know."

"Liar," Sepia muttered. She knew very well that Vulture would punish them horribly if they so much as asked.

"Oh, well. You chose your path." Vulture's eyes glinted in the sunlight. He kept them trained on Sepia. "Now time for punishment."

He whipped his tail around and sank the barb into Sepia's back leg.

She cried out in agony. "Inflict all the punishment you want on me, just don't harm Cloud!" she yelled, tears streaming down the front of her narrow snout.

"Hm...I don't think so," Vulture hissed with glee as he scratched Cloud across his snout. Blood sprayed everywhere.

"No!" Sepia cried, stumbling over to the shivering and wailing figure of Cloud, whom Vulture had dropped to the floor.

She stepped in front of him, her back leg screaming in protest.

"Leave him alone," she growled, her voice shaking. Cloud was whimpering behind her.

"I already said no, it might be a good idea for you to listen sometime," Vulture snarled, his eyes almost slits.

He just had time to raise his talons before a small flurry of pale scales knocked him over.

Sepia just had time to think Thank goodness, before Vulture rose again.

Uh, oh.

The small dragon, who Sepia now realized was Fennec, stood before Vulture sticking her snout upwards, towards him.

"Don't. Touch. My. BOYFRIEND!!!!!" Fennec screeched up at Vulture, charging him again.

This time Vulture was ready. He smirked as he picked her up, her arms flailing wildly, still trying to get at Vulture.

Vulture pulled Fennec closer and examined her closely.

'You are so small. How did you knock me over?" he chuckled.

Fennec glared at him in what she probably thought was a menacing expression. "I can do what I want if I really try. I want you to stop hurting Cloud. He didn't do anything and neither did Sepia."

"Ah, but that's where you are wrong, little one. They disobeyed me."

"Just because they switched tasks! That's not fair!" Fennec cried, quickly losing her sudden confidence.

"I've had enough of you, you pesky little dragon," Vulture growled.

He dropped Fennec to the ground, and there was a snapping sound as one of her legs hit the floor.

"Fennec!" Sepia cried, rushing over to her.

Vulture then picked up Cloud, and smiled. "How would you like to fly?" he murmured.

"No!" Sepia cried, but it was too late.

Cloud's head hit the wall with an ear splitting crack.

Fennec started to get up, but staggered a bit and fell down.

Sepia sprinted over to Cloud, tears almost blinding her.

"You were a good friend, Sepia. Tell Fennec...tell Fennec that I love her," he murmured.

With that, he fixed his eyes on Sepia's tear streaked face for the final time, and didn't move again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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