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ILY❤️ the text read. He never sent that alone, there was always something else coming. We came to Norway a few days back, and up until this morning I only thought we would be here for a few days before going back to Monaco. We would never go back there, not unless it was for a race.

The alarm did not go off, it had no reason to. But still we both woke up at the same time. 09.01. "Max? Are you awake?" I turned to face where he slept beside me. "Just woke up, but I have to tell you something, come here." He pushed himself up in a sitting position, back resting against the head board. I crawled over to him, and sat myself on his lap, feeling my loose shirt (which was his before I took it) flowing against my every move.

I sat so I was facing him, and made sure I sat directly on top of him. He leaned forward, so our lips were just barely not touching, whilst pushing my body so there was no part that did not touch him. "What is it?" I asked, trying not to fall asleep again. Despite the way we sat I was still incredibly sleepy. He started to cheekily grin, before kissing my cheek once and answering. "We're moving. Surprise!" His smile only grew when he said it. "We're moving here? We're moving HOME?" I could not believe it, but I was definitively not sleepy anymore.

I smiled like a teenage girl in love at the thought of what happened this morning. Yet I still could not fully believe it, even though Max was now on his way home, or should I say, to Monaco, to make sure every last piece we owned was packed carefully and transported safely.

My parents were going to move away from the farm, having suggested that themselves to Max apparently. They had just taken the first part of their belongings to their new house in the small town, so instead of coming back home with them, I chose to meet some of my old friends. So now I stood on the stairs outside Mia's house, where she lived with her husband and baby. "Kari!" She exclaimed when she opened the door, a big smile plastered on her lips. Neither of us could help it when we jumped in each other's arms.

"Oh how I have missed you! It is so fucking sad that we didn't have the time the last time you were here." Mia exclaimed as she let me go, and moved away from the door to let me in. "Yeah, I know! I really can't believe it!" I took off my jacket and shoes as I said it, before looking around at the toys scattered throughout the entire house. "But how is Preben doing? He seem to be an active guy." I pushed her side slight as I said it, hinting to how her husband was when we were younger. "Yeah, he is definitively taking after his dad, I was never like this." She smiled as she said it, that was, until she saw Preben trying to climb the cabinets.

I could not help but laugh at the sight of it, but it also made me feel a little anxious about my baby. Which reminded me that I still had not told anyone, so I filled out my phone and sent Max a text reading We have to tell everyone about the baby soon.

"Why did you look at your phone so concerned?" Mia asked, holding Preben in her hands. "Just some news, I'll tell you later." I shrugged it off, not wanting to tell her as she held her boy, because I knew how her reaction would be. "Oh, alright." She still looked confused, but smiled at me before giving Preben over to her husband, Elias. "Elias! I didn't notice you coming in here!" I laughed, before pulling Mia with me into their living room.

"Uhm.. what?" She whispered, figuring it was something important. "I have so much to share with you, but it is one thing that beat everything else. So if you please sit down, that would be lovely." I let myself sink down into the couch, before I felt her doing the same on the other end. "Tell me!" She sounded so excited for what the news would be, and honestly, I would be too. "I'm pregnant. No one except me and Max know it, and now you. I want to keep it a secret for as long as possible, and avoid the media." I could not look her in the eyes as I said it, scared of what emotions I would see there. "PREGNANT? I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT?" She jumped around, screaming. "We'll thank you for telling half of Norway Mia, really appreciate it." I mumbled under my breath, as I fell on my back on the couch.

I do not know for how long she jumped around in excitement, but when she finally stopped she looked like she just could not believe it. "Mia, I don't know how to tell everyone.. My parents will probably go smoothly, but then we have Lance and every other driver." I sighed, resting my forehead in the armrest of the couch. And Fredrik. I added in my head, not daring to tell her everything that had happened with us this past year. It hurt me not to tell her everything. To tell her we had shared a bed, but I could not. If I did I probably would break and tell Max too about exactly everything that has happened, because he only know our backstory, not our new story. "It'll be alright Kari, no doubt. You're amazing at telling people stuff in the nicest way possible, it literally is your job." She laughed, but it comforted me quite a bit. "Thank you Mia." I smiled, despite her not being able to see my smile.

"I do miss when we were younger and clueless, and we could do whatever we wanted, not caring about anything." Mia suddenly mumbled after a few minutes in silence, which caught me completely off guard. "Yeah, I miss it too. And we really thought our lives back then were complicated, imagine ourselves then hearing about how our lives are now!" I let out a nervous laugh at the thought of it, how disgusted mini-me probably would look at me when she heard about me and Lance, and Fredrik, and Max, and Lewis, and all the ONS I had been having. "Oh, they would probably die by simply hear what happened the year after we moved out!" The thought of the memories made me burst out laughing, just like she did. "Yeah, they probably would!" Our laughter only turned more uncontrollable after I said that, and I had completely forgotten to tell her about the fact that I was moving back.

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