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"Kari, are you puking again?" Max tiredly asked me when he walked into the bathroom. "Whatdoesitlooklike?" I hurried out, before vomiting one more time. I could hear he mumbled a response, but I did not manage to understand what he said. When he sat down on his knees beside me and pulled back my ponytail I assumed he had asked if I needed help with something. When my stomach finally was empty and I trusted myself enough to talk, I thanked him.

"I love you Max, don't think I've told you that enough." Oh, I had, I had said it plenty of times since I got pregnant. Must be the hormones I suppose. "You say it all the time Darling, I'll never forget it. And the engraving on this necklace.." He paused to hold it up so I could look at it, a wide soft smile on his face as he did so. "You gave me the engraving reminds me of that every time we are separated." He helped me up on my own feet again as he said it, voice a bit strained from taking almost all of my weight. "Du er min lykkelig alle sine dager." (You are my happily ever.) I mumbled as I remembered what I had engraved into his necklace. "En je bent van mij." (And you are mine.) He whispered before kissing my cheek and helping me get out of my clothes and into the shower. "It's only been two weeks and yet here we stand.." I whispered as I turned on the water to let it get hot before walking under the water. "A bit over one year now since we met." He decisively answered as he fumbled with his ring.

Once the water finally turned hot I adjusted it to the perfect temperature and scrubbed my entire body. I made sure to have at least one of these each week, and so far I had managed to do so. Now I only had to think forward to how I was going to do it during the last months. I do not know how long Max sat there, but when I got out he was nowhere to be seen, so I quickly cried myself and pulled on my clothes. Sweatpants and one of my t-shirts from playing handball, somehow it had taken me months to get used to wearing it near him. "Max, where are you?" I asked as I walked down the hall towards the kitchen, where I already knew he was. "Making Food, we have to fill up again what you just threw up. And please don't come in, we don't need your wet hair to smell like food when it dries, do we?" And with that he hurried me out of the kitchen, just as I entered. He looked me up and down, for then to nod, as if it was some kind of confirmation, which left me mildly confused. But not enough to disobey him.

After laying myself down on the couch I decided to check the clock. The last time I checked it was 07.11, but that was before I ran to the bathroom, of  course. "I WAS PUKING FOR AN HOUR?" I shouted over my shoulder in astonishment. "Yeah, you did. Most of the time you do, Kari, it has been like this this past week. I've just tried not to tell you about it!" He shouted back from the kitchen, and I could hear he was done cooking as the fan was no longer on. Deciding for myself that today's breakfast would be eaten in the livingroom, I put on the TV and got comfortable. Just casually scrolling through Netflix on a hunt for something to watch I stumble upon the reboot of a series I watched when I was younger. Except then it was named Anne of green gables and not Anne with an E as it is now, and the start was a bit different, but I knew it was the same story.

"Hmm. And what are we watching?" Max asked as he put our breakfast down on the living room table. "Anne with an E, a reboot of a show I used to watch with my mother!" I joyously exclaimed, before taking a sip of my drink. But before I had managed to swallow the liquid Max let out the loudest fart I had ever heard, and because of my bad humour, I spat it all out again. "Max! Now we have to clean." I poured, at least tried to, the laughter was still too strong. "I can do that, but now we have to eat, we have a long day in front of us." He cheekily smiled, and I knew no good would come out of whatever it was he had planned. "If you say so, Maximum. But now: Anne." I was still slightly laughing, but I managed to get it out half seriously. "Alright." He mumbled back, before kissing my cheek.

The food was insanely good, blood sausage with orange boats and milk to drink. It may not sound like much, but blood sausage is incredibly good, and hard to make. But I did not compliment Max on his cooking, I was too caught up in the show. As was he, by what I observed.

When the episode was finished Max opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him to it. "We have to meet a midwife soon, Max." I hurried out, grasping his hand. "I know, I know. But there was something else I had to tell you, but it can wait until we are doing what I have planned." He braided our fingers together, and pulled me closer, our faces barely a centimetre apart. "Uhh.. morning breath, stinky, stinky morning breath." I coughed out, before turning away and raising to my feet as fast as I could without becoming dizzy. "Don't tell me I'm the only one with morning breath, yours is worse!" And he rose to his feet too, but instead of following me to the bathroom, he ended up taking our plates and cups to the kitchen instead.

By the time I was finished in the bathroom, Max still had yet to enter it. So I ran to the kitchen, where I supposed he would be, but he was not. "Max?" I shouted through the apartment, for my voice only to be swallowed by the sound of a car horn, so I shouted, once more. Even though this one was loud enough to be heard all through the apartment Max still refused to answer me. So, instead of shouting more, I chose to call him. I might me lazy for doing it this way, but that is just how I am. His phone started to ring in our bedroom. What could he be doing in our bedroom?

I quickly ran to our bedroom, knowing I would find him there. "Ha! Found you!" I shouted as I opened the door, only to be disappointed by the fact that he was not there. And as the incredibly impatient person I am I chose to give completely up on looking for him, and instead fell on the bed, whilst breathing out all the air I had in my lungs. Only been awake for two hours and already exhausted, and Max has planned for us to do something later. "You should be glad I love you." I mumbled into his pillow.

Oh, this took a while to figure out how would go, and when I finally thought I had figured it out; I had not. But here we are, a finished chapter.

Love: 13

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