Chapter five

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[I want to get a tattoo like this^]

"I'm hungry." "Deamons eat?" Nat looked at me with an 'are you serious' look. "Of course we do. Humans really don't know much about us at all." "Well what do you want to eat?" He shrugged. "I don't know. Surprise me." I nodded, and we started walking back to my apartment. He settled himself on the couch while I started cooking. A minute or two later he walked into the kitchen carrying my lupine plant. "What is this thing? Do you eat it?" "It's a flower, do you not have flowers wherever you come from?" He shook his head and kept staring at the plant, as if expecting it to do something. He walked back to the living room and I went back to cooking. I had almost finished our meal when I heard frustrated shouting. I carried the plates in both hands and went to see what was happening. Nat was glaring at my cat while shouting commands at it. "That THING won't listen to me! It should fear me! I am the ruler of the underworld!" My cat (Vee) just sat on the ground, bathing herself unhurriedly. I let out a laugh and set the plates on the table. "She's a cat, of course she's not going to listen to you." Nat grumbled in response, but picked up his fork and started eating the spaghetti I made. "...this is good." I laughed again. "I'm glad you like it!"

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