Chapter three

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"Yeah I'm gonna stop you right there. We don't say that word in hell." Owen raised an eyebrow. "Shit?" "No the other one." "Really?" Satan sighed. "Whatever, you have successfully summoned me so now you can ask me one favor. At the price of your soul of course." "I didn't think of that..." Owen sat there, thinking. The Deamon king was surprised. Whoever was able to summon him usually asked for money or immortality right away. This kid seemed like he was really considering what he wanted. "To be honest, all I really want is a friend..." Satan smirked. "Are you sure?" He hesitated for a moment more, then nodded his head. "I'm sure." "Very well then, shake my hand, and the deal will be done." He held out his hand to the boy. Owen stood, and shook the devil's hand. The wind felt like it was knocked out of him. Satan chuckled. "What a funny request. Alright, since that's done what exactly do you want to do?" Owen never really had any friends, he didn't know what they did or how they acted around each other. "Do you...want to go for a walk?"

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