an hour and a half later...

"I can't believe Takemichi forgot to give Hina a gift." said [first name], a little disappointed. Chifuyu quickly put a hand on her mouth to silence her, "Shh! She's here!" he whispered, watching Hinata walk her way to Takemichi. [first name] rolled her eyes at him as she removed his hand, "and I can't believe that you two made me run to the store just to get what you dorks need.." she whispered.

"I told you it was an emergency, Takemichi was loosing his shit earlier.." Chifuyu whispered.

Apparently, [first name] was having a peaceful nap when suddenly Chifuyu called and asked her a favor, she wasn't in the mood to head out but when Takemichi took Chifuyu's phone and pleaded with her, she has no other choice but to help the poor Takemichi.

[first name] sighed, "Well..I'm happy to help.."

[first name] and Chifuyu are hiding in the bushes. "And seriously..polka dot boxes?? you read too many mangas.." she whispered, slightly nudging him. Chifuyu rolled his eyes at her, "Said the person you stays up reading mangas.." he muttered. [first name] heard, "what was that?"


Both watched Takemichi and Hina talk, Chifuyu noticed that things weren't going as he planned, he got more confused when Hinata bowed at Takemichi, looking like she's apologizing for something. "The hell are they talking about? I can't hear them.." Chifuyu whispered, making [first name] look at him. "And why the hell is Hina bowing?" he added. [first name] squinted at the couple and said, "She looks like she's apologizing."

The two continued watching the couple, then all of the sudden Hinata started crying making [first name] and Chifuyu slightly worried. "Shit, what the hell are they talking about?!" Chifuyu whispered, more like yelled.

"Shh!" [first name] frowned at him. Chifuyu ignored her, then he noticed Takemichi was scanning the place, as if he's looking for something, "C'mon Takemitchy! Don't tell me you forgot what you needed? It's under the freaking slide!!" he yelled.

[first name] mentally face palmed, what part of 'shh!' did he not get?

Takemichi looked at his girlfriend sadly, "Hina.." he said in a comforting tone, then he looked over at the slide and began walking his way there, where he hid his gift.

Chifuyu flinched, "Y-You idiot! Don't go there, that's the last clue!" he yelled, no longer in a hushed tone. "Can you just let him do what he wants to do?!" said [first name], slightly annoyed.

Takemichi came back to where Hina is with an open palm, showing his gift to her, "Here, Hina.."

Hina sniffed, "A..A ring?"

Yes, Takemichi's gift for Hinata is a ring.

" was for white day, sorry that I'm a bit late." said Takemichi, looking at her in the eyes. Hina blushed, knowing that he's right, he was a bit late.

Chifuyu's face dropped, "..Aw shucks." he said, a bit disappointed at seeing that it didn't go as he planned for Takemichi. "What the hell is going on.." he muttered. [first name] stayed quiet, her eyes focused on the couple.

Takemichi gulped as he looked away from Hina, "I..I don't have any special powers and I'm not rich either but..I want to make you happy more than anyone else," he said as his cheeks began heating up. His eyes went back to Hinata's, then he put both of his hands on her shoulders, startling her a little, "So please, marry me!" he said, more like yelled.

Hinata's eyes widened in shock, with her cheeks red as Takemichi's.

"WHAAAAAT??!" Chifuyu and [first name] exclaimed, both were blushing as well.

"If you ever feel down, let me be by your side and make you feel better!" said Takemichi, then he paused when he saw Hinata crying again. "Please don't cry.."he said, wiping some of her tears with his thumb.

While Chifuyu and [first name] were still dumbfounded by the sudden proposal. "H-Hey? Why am I the one surprised here though?" said Chifuyu, with his cheeks still red and his eyes still wide. [first name]'s attention was also still at Takemichi and Hinata, "Wait- you mean, this wasn't part of the plan..?" she asked, awkwardly. Chifuyu shook his head.

Takemichi swallowed his nervousness with his eyes still on his girlfriend in front of him, "In 12 years time, let's get married."

It became quiet, awkwardly quiet.

That's when Chifuyu and [first name] stepped out of the bushes and went up to the couple. Chifuyu scratched the back of his head and said, "Uh..isn't it a bit too early to propose, Takemitchy?"

Takemitchy flinched while Hinata stood frozen.

[first name]'s cheeks were slightly pink, not knowing why she's feeling a little awkward after what she and Chifuyu just witnessed, "I..I don't know what to say..Congratulations?" she said.



"What the- You're getting married?!" said Naoto in disbelief, with his cheeks slightly pink. Hinata blushed in embarrassment, "D-Don't say it out loud!"

I gave Naoto a friendly smile and said, "When we get older of course.."

Both Chifuyu and [first name] looked directly at me at the same thing, giving me weird looks. "I proposing out of nowhere surprised us too." he said. "For a second there, I thought Hinata's gonna get married at a very young age.." said [first name] awkwardly.

Hinata's cheeks turned redder. I scratched the back of my head, slightly getting a little embarrassed about myself. "Sorry." I managed to say. Then I slightly tilted my head as I look at Naoto, "Well..sorry for calling you all of the sudden, Naoto." I said to him, then I stretched out my hand for him to shake. He was a bit taken aback by my sudden action.

I gave him a smile, "Since we had our first hand shake here at this park, let's have our last hand shake here, too." I can feel Hinata, Chifuyu and [first name] smiling at me after I said that. "Thank you for believing in me, Naoto. This moment wouldn't exist without your help." I finished my words.

He gulped a little and spoke, "So..does this mean both me and my sister..are saved?"

I couldn't help but make my smile bigger, "Yup! Definitely!". Hinata went next to [first name] and both shared smiles. "Let's shake hands..Naoto.." I said. His eyes traveled down at my open palm and held it.

This is it.

"Chifuyu, [first name], Hina.." I took one last glance at them, "let's meet in the future!" I said, flashing them a wide smile.

After what only seems like a second,

I'm back in the future..

year: 2017

I was a bit surprised when I found myself in what seems like a men's comfort room. I put a hand on my cheek when I saw that I'm standing in front of a mirror, I..I'm worked. which means..

I can feel my eyes getting a little watery as I thought about Naoto, confirming he's alive. Then I just realized something...

Why the hell am I wearing a tuxedo?

And why am I hearing bells from afar..?


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