High School First Day

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(Constructive criticism appreciated) <3

After walking around hallways, for what seemed like hours, I finally found a classroom door with a number on it that matched the one on my timetable.

I cautiously peeked into the classroom, half of the room was already filled with kids. Some were sitting alone and others were talking in friend groups.

I was worried I was going to be late because I struggled for so long to find my classroom but luckily there was no teacher in sight.

I took a deep breath to prepare myself for anything that could possibly come my way but obviously that wasn't enough...

Two students walked past me into the classroom, the first kid pushed me as he walked past and mumbled "out of the way". (Well thats what I assumed he said, it was hard to understand.)

Because it was my first day of school I was quite nervous so this  also meant I was also very sensitive at this moment. That little thing made my eyes water. I wasn't crying (yet) but I was on the verge of tears.

After trying to wipe my eyes without it being obvious. I advanced into the classroom avoiding eye contact or getting close to people.

The desks seated one person so I didn't have to worry about sitting right next to someone but that also meant I probably wouldn't make friends as fast.

Part of me didn't want to make friends but the other part didn't want to be alone for the whole year. I couldn't tell which one was winning yet.

I found a desk that was away from the big crowds of people and the students that were already sitting in seats. Though unfortunately the seat I chose was towards the front of the classroom. I didn't want people looking at me from behind but my older sister had informed me that the mean kids sit at the back, I didn't want to get myself in their bad books hence why I'm sitting at the front.

The kid that pushed me started shouting at someone, the person he was shouting at was being surrounded by four other students. In other situations I probably would have tried to help however it's my first day at this school and I would prefer to not be on anyones watch list. The kids surrounding the person looked like they belonged to a gang, if I tried to step in i would most likely get my face punched in, I personally like my nose intact so I just looked the other way.

My eyes settled on the whiteboards that hung around the classroom walls. Two at the front and one long one on the side wall.

The whiteboard on the side wall had the word 'WELCOME!' written across it. I did just assume that's what it had said though because students had rubbed out parts of it so it really just said
'  EL  C  ME.'. The person who wrote that really wasted their time.

After looking around at the colourful decorations that spread across the walls and reading every inspirational poster multiple times, the bell finally rang.

I was so lost in my little world that I didn't even realise that the shouty guy and his gang had left. Other kids had left to, I guess this wasn't actually their class and they were saying 'hi' to friends.

Minutes after the bell more students filled the classroom as others left. I was lucky that friendly looking kids sat around me.

Laughter and talking was all that was heard in the room as students caught up with each other.

A couple of minutes later a woman walked in, she looked like she was in her 30's, she had black hair that was pulled neatly into a bun, her skin was a nice dark shade. Her outfit consisted of: a white blouse with a red cardigan over the top and a grey skirt that ended at her knees, stockings covering her legs and nice looking boots to finish it off.

She placed the coloured folders she was holding on the teachers desk. I came to the the conclusion she was the teacher.

She asked the class to quiet down but i don't think they heard her let alone knew she was there. She shouted asking for them to be quiet after trying a few other ways she lifted her fingers to her lips and blew.

A ear piercing whistle blew from her lips. The whole class fell silent. "That's better" she simply said "Now! Let us begin class!"

I'm going to stop here because if i don't I'm just going to keep coming up with things and continue writing. These are just meant to be short stories I enjoy writing so I can improve my writing skills.
I will except constructive criticism as I am trying to improve. I need feedback to improve.
I felt like describing a classroom so... here I am.
I didn't describe it as much as I wanted but I'm happy with this.

Thank you for reading this! <3

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 21, 2021 ⏰

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