Chapter Seven-"Varsity Jerk"

Start from the beginning

"You decide. You'll probably get there before me so I'll just find you, alright?" he answered. That somehow sounded...friendly. I expected him to tell me specific coordinates and wait for me to get there at a specific military-set time. "Kickoff is at 7:30. I'll see you later...Bye."

He hung up before I could say bye, but there was a pause because I couldn't find it in myself to actually say bye.

"Was that Hayden?" Sebastian frowned.

"No..." I answered. Maybe I should've said yes because it seemed like he had less of a war with Hayden than Dastan...well from what I've seen. He questioned me with his eyes. "It was Dastan."


"He's calmed down now!" I reasoned.

"I don't care," he said immediately. The happiness from earlier was completely gone. "I can't just trust you with him."

"Neither can I, but he said it himself; we both prefer to get this article done with so if that includes going to the game with him then fine," I shrugged. Sebastian sighed.

"Fine," he allowed. "But don't go to the party that's bound to be held afterwards."

"Why not?" I asked. He looked at me. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

Dastan plus alcohol plus a strong hatred towards me wouldn't result well.


"Warden," Dastan called while I was sitting in the stands watching the game. We were winning 26-7. I looked down to see Dastan in a hoodie, waiting for me with his hands in his pocket. I left from Cheyenne and our friends and trotted down to him, who had started to walk to the ground level.

It was even colder and windier down here than in the stands (just my luck to be stuck in a cold front with just a sweater). I was chattering my butt off as I followed him somewhere.

"I found different groups to interview on why they come to football games and why they sit with certain people. I just need pictures," he informed, taking large strides that I tried to keep up with. I kept chattering and not responding and then he stopped at the entrance to another part of the bleachers. He turned to me and then was taken back—only slightly less than me at the fact that his eyes were lightened into a beautiful deep chocolate color. They were gorgeous.

"Oh shoot, you're cold," he noticed, his face starting to contort in the way as if caring as much as Sebastian would. I noticed that he was sort of close to me...and also, that I was holding my breath because he made me nervous, rather than scared at this point.

"It's fine, just let me get started with the pictures," I chattered, even though I knew by now that my nose was probably as red as Rudolph's. But he was just looking at me with the same worried expression as I reached for the camera around his neck. He moved it out of my grip. "If you just tell me who they are, I can go right up and take the pictures."

I don't know why he was looking at me this way. I couldn't be a pestering person if he was acting this friendly for once, but I mean come on? Why did he choose now to be silent and confusing? And suddenly, just like that, he touched my waist lightly and his eyes illuminated into golden rings.

"I'll be right back," he whispered, foggy breath leaving his lips. I stood underneath the bleachers, awkwardly because it was second quarter and no one was really down here, and waited for Dastan to return. After a few seconds I just assumed that he just left me here as his own sick joke, but I didn't know where he could've possibly gone because a few seconds later, he returned with a slight pink to his cheeks and something in his hands. Before I knew it, the golden-eyed-Dastan draped a jacket over my shoulders that created nothing but warmth.

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