Chapter 1

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Isn't it a beautiful feeling to just sit on the beach and watch the sunset when the soft beach sands feel warm against your feet? Or when you sit in the car and drive on the lone road when you put your head out of the car window and the wind gushes past your face sprawling your hair all over? Or go hiking up the tallest mountain? Or just be in a crowded place in the middle of a busy street and you are making your way towards your destination? But what if that world is now filled with Vampires and Zombies and you are not that safe, or you don't have the freedom to go anywhere or at any time as you please? Will you still be able to experience the same beautiful feeling?

In a world full of monsters, humans lived in fear. They feared if they would live past today, they feared if they would end up being someone's meal, they feared if they would become someone's toy, they feared for their wretched life.

The world predominantly belonged to humans thousands of years ago. The well-learned people who were known as scientists were experimenting with something on humans and that accidentally gave birth to a monster. In the beginning, they were used for experiments and were suppressed a lot. It was supposed to be a huge success for the scientists which would drive away all the diseases from the human and human body to be immune against all sorts of diseases. They were known as Vampires. They did not even require food on regular basis to get energy and live their day-to-day life. But then a sect of Vampires revolted and decided to come out of hiding. This was not accepted by the humans and declared them as Monsters and then began a war. It goes without saying that the Vampires won the war.

Vampires are quite intelligent than humans. Their senses are heightened. And they suck the blood out of humans or animals to gain energy. Humans surrendered to Vampires. A kingdom was formed which was ruled by King Kim Seojoon. The name of the kingdom was Vreyiorim. The king has three sons. Kim Seokjin, Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung. Vampires ruled the kingdom and humans, though the humans feared Vampires, they still lived without many restrictions. The kingdom of divided into four, North, South, East, and West. And this was ruled by Lords who were under the command of King Seojoon. There were few rules though which every human had to follow. The rules were as follows:

-Humans were not to go against the Vampire especially the Royals or the Royal employees.

-The humans will donate their blood once every six months and even get a complete health check-up before the blood donation. 

-Anyone who works closely with the royals is subject to many benefits.

-There would be one girl elected as King's Trinket, which would be chosen by the king. The girl is always to stay at the palace and cannot go out and say anyone whatever goes on inside the palace with her or anyone else. In return, the girl's family gets a new house and a lump sum of money to last for generations. In greed, many girls are forced to participate in it. But ultimately, it's the King who decides who he wants to keep as his trinket.

Trinkets were girls who were in their late teens or early twenties they would get themselves enrolled and present themselves in front of the King. The King will then choose one girl out of all the girls present and take her as his trinket to treat her like he pleases. In return, the girl and her family will receive quite a lump sum of money and jewelry, unlimited access to resources, and a fancy house. It was something most of the people wanted. The young girls would be groomed and presented before the king. There were some Lords too who practiced the same, but they didn't get as much benefit as being a King's trinket. But who wouldn't want to make their life a little easy, so even that was something young girls and their parents looked forward to.

And one unspoken rule was that the humans were not to come out of the house on every sixth full moon. That was when the Vampires would lose any sort of control over them and would become true monsters and attack any and every human being coming under their radar and suck every ounce of blood available in the human body. This would never be charged as a crime as it was something that no Vampires had any control over.

Like Humans, even Vampires other than the royals had to follow rules. Those rules were:

-Vampires are not to directly drink blood from any human being and are also required to donate blood once every six months. 

-Vampires are not to ambush or enter any human house unless invited.

-In times of virus outbreaks, or any other adversities, Vampires are to help and protect humans.

-All royal servants and royal friends are off-limits including King's trinket.

Nonadherence to any of the rules results in a very strict punishment from the King. The punishment could include beatings, starving or death, anything the king is pleased with at the time.

Vampires are known to live for a longer time. But how long, nobody knew. Studies that scientists did were destroyed by the Vampires which had their weaknesses and how to kill them. So, with destroyed studies, nobody knew about their weakness except that they cannot stay out in direct sunlight for long. The Vampires were taller than normal human beings and more attractive. The attractiveness was a perk for them to lure human beings. They had paler skin and their touch as cold as their heart. Their blood is a dark brown color which helps to cure most of the illnesses in the human body. Their eyes would be blue, green, brown when normal and dark red when angry or while they had a bloodlust. Their speed was incredible. Vampires could heal faster no matter how big the wound was. That was their biggest benefactor when it came to fighting with someone.

Around two hundred years ago, a new virus broke out among humans. Vampires are immune to all diseases, so the virus did not affect them. But it took a toll on the human population. The infected people turned into other monsters who too were bloodlust. The only difference was if vampires suck the blood- humans survive, but if zombies suck the blood- humans turn into zombies too within a day. So, Vampires drove the zombies out of their kingdom. The Zombies multiplied themselves and formed their own small kingdom, but it soon started growing. As the human population started depleting, the Vampires made a pact with Zombies to avoid facing adversities or going to war. Zombies were not to enter Vampire's kingdom, and in return, they were given a piece of land the humans who stayed in those lands, whom they had to breed so that they don't vulture on humans staying in Vampire's land. Before giving the land to the humans were given a choice to immigrate or stay. But many stayed as some had no idea of what their fate would be in the hands of Zombies, while some said they did not want to leave their place behind and that they would rather die.

The Zombies were quite dumb in the beginning. They would just think about blood. But then they started becoming smart. Acquiring lands that were not exactly in Vampire's territory but were occupied by humans that tried to run away from all monsters in hopes of being free and not getting caught. They started to make their army and breed humans too so that they can keep them for food and for increasing their population. Their kingdom's name is Ruyiasia. They had a king too. Their king was Axel Killian. He had a son Payne Killian who was soon to be throned as their king. Like Vampires, Zombies too lived for a longer duration, but they could not stand in direct sunlight. Unlike Vampires, they had to drink directly from the humans. And the peculiar thing about them was after turning into Zombie, they didn't remember anything from their human life. Not even their name or their close ones. Zombies' skin looked a paler shade of green. Their blood was black in color. Their looks looked just the same as they looked before turning into zombies except for their skin color which turned into a paler shade of grey while their veins would completely turn black.

Off late many Zombies have tried to enter the land of Vampires undetected and they suck on the humans. The adrenaline to do something that is off-limits is the main reason and the second reason being the blood of the humans in Vampire's land is healthy and hence tasty as they are fed properly and taken care of properly too. They take the newly turned or the bitten human along with them. The ones that stay back and are caught by the royal guards or army are brutally murdered before any further damage can be caused. It seemed as if Zombies were preparing for a revolt and they could strike any moment, and these were just them testing the water.

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