Revios looked around the room wondering if he would ever be able to give all this luxury to his daughter. Being one of the Blessed, he and Elise were well respected among the masses but that didn't necessarily meant that they were rich. He look around the various costly things in the room of a five year old boy, finally his eyes landing on the small figure lying on the bed. 

A tiny head full of thick black locks was visible from outside the blankets. No one would see and proclaim the boy to be five years old. But Revios and Elise knew better. They had been there for his fifth birthday celebration just a week ago. They also knew what laid inside the blankets. The body of a diseased child which had nothing but skin and bones.

Elise's eye welled up at the sight of the pale skin of the child. She immediately knew. Her gaze shifted to the red haired woman who sat beside the limp body of the child and cried loudly. Elise rushed to her side and hugged the woman tightly. She could feel her pain. She was a mother herself.

Revios looked at the small boy with grief in his eyes. Just like Elise, he too knew he was dead. The air surrounding him was quiet. Too quiet. There were no ripples caused by inhaling and exhaling, caused by living beings. 

"When did it happen?" He asked in a low voice to not cause any further grief. His eyes landing sympathetically at the woman who now clutched his wife and cried. It was well known that Daniel and Maya couldn't have any other child after their first boy Cerulean. Even Cerulean was born with too much complications. The boy was born prematurely and ever since he was a baby, he had been sick. Recently his condition deteriorated and he was confined to bed. Revios knew that he didn't have many days the last time he saw him on his birthday. He also knew why he was called in such a hurry.

"Fifteen minutes." The man, Supreme Daniel said. "Maya had just put him to sleep when he woke up half an hour ago. He was crying in pain." He sniffed, he was trying to be strong and hold his tears back. He was failing miserably. "I immediately sent for you. I know it was going to happen today. He was in pain for what seemed like an eternity. And then the spirits decided to ease his pain. They freed him. He started coughing blood and then he was gone." 

Revios felt bad for his old friend. He could see the tears falling from him eyes now. He made no move to stop them and let them fall.

"Look at him Rev. He looks so peaceful. Like he is just sleeping." 

Revios placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze to tell him that he was there for him.

"Rev please, Save him." The Supreme said what Revios had been waiting for. He knew what they had called him for.

"Rev, Please." Daniel begged. It was heartbreaking to see the supreme beg to him. But Revios also knew that what Daniel wanted him to do would be disastrous. Death was not something to temper with. The consequences could be horrifying.

"Dan, you know it is wrong." Rev reasoned. "We don't know if it will work. Even you know that it was always a hypothesis. What if he is subjected to eternal suffering in the realm of dead." 

"We don't know what is right or wrong Rev. It is our baby. Please." Maya said, then she turned towards Elise. "Elise, you are a mother too. Please. What if it was your Aurora in place of my Cerulean. Let a mother be selfish, please."

Elise felt her heart breaking as she clutched her two month baby girl tightly to her chest. She still remembered the day when she was given the special gift. When she became the only person alive to have seen a spirit. She had found the spirit hurt and had helped her. In return of saving the Spirit, she was given a blessing that she could save anyone she want. No one knew of this, except Rev, her and Daniel. 

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