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It was one of the darkest nights of Arianna. The moon had profusely refused to appear from behind the clouds. There was no ray of light appearing from the windows and ventilations of the houses. The people were long asleep and the fast blowing wind had blown off the lamps that hung outside their houses to cast light on the otherwise dark streets at night. The sole source of light in the brooding night was a flickering flame that crackled despite the wind and have been burning since the time remembered.

The quite of the night was broken by the occasional howling of wind and animals and the rushed footsteps of two people walking in the lonely path. It was impossible to identify them in the dark night. One of them, taller than the other, was holding a small bundle in their hands securely as if guarding it against any demons that roamed in the darkness.

“It is going to rain now.” A female voice said. And as if on cue, like the drops of rain had been waiting for the command of their mistress, water drops fell down from the sky to quench the parched earth.

“Hurry up.” The other person with the bundle, a male, said.

The two of them increased their pace and hurried towards the Comb. As more and more distance was covered, the huge structure of the building started becoming clear. It was a giant palace with two tall towers on both side of it. On one of them, the eternal torch burnt as a symbol of their dedication to the Spirits.

The two of them now stood in front of the Comb. The light of torch casted a scary light at them, their shadows as tall as the huge gates of the Comb. They were dressed in long black robes with hoods on their faces. The man passed the small bundle to the woman and knocked on the wooden door. It was opened from the other side almost immediately.

“Revios! Elise! Thank God you are here! Hurry up now.” The man said holding the door open for them. For a minute the brightness of the electric bulbs from inside lighted the outside. The two visitors followed the bald and well-built man who had opened the door for them.

“Where is everyone?” The man, Revios questioned. Both of them took off their robes and hung it on the coat hanger.

“Supreme have ordered this part and the personal chambers to remain empty because of…  you know.” The man said hesitantly.

It was this moment a small cry startled them. The three head turned towards the small bundle with the woman, Elise was holding. A tiny pink fist came out of the bundle and with another small cry the baby reminded them of their presence.

Elise cooed at her baby to quieten them.

“How is he?” Revios asked.

“I have no idea.” The bald man said. “Supreme came hurried half an hour ago, and asked for the two of you. He is locked in his room ever since. No one has come out or gone in. I just pray to the spirits that nothing bad happened.”

Revios nodded. they now stood in front of the door of a room. 

Within a second the door was jerked open a crack, it seemed like the Supreme of Arianna had been waiting for a simple person like Revios on his hinges. Although if asked, everyone would say that Revios and Elise were anything but normal.

A tired face of a man peeped out. The person rarely looked like a man of importance. His face had stubble growing and hair was messed. The blue eyes looked dull and lost.

However, the tired face suddenly had a glimmer of hope when the man set his eyes on the two people.

“Elise!” The voice was expectant as he called out to the woman. He pulled both of them inside by their hands. 

“Andrew, make sure that this place is secured.” He ordered before shutting the door behind him.

The inside of the room was bright and beautiful as if the room belonged to some prince and in some way it was. There were several beautiful paintings on the yellow walls of the room. The walls also supported many photographs of a small child with the Supreme Daniel and his wife.

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