
7.9K 84 75

A/N: Hi! I decided to make this story because I thought it would be funny, and I like making scenarios that don't require as much brainpower to create. I also really like writing characters fake-texting for some reason, I don't know why.

WitchChick128- Amity
BadGirlCoven- Eda
DarkOtter14/GoodWitchLuzura- Luz
CloverBreeze/Hello_Willow- Willow
IllusionKing- Gus
DepressoEspresso/RulerzReachF4n- Hunter
ViolBard/Rainey.Day- Raine
MatPresento- Matthlomule
MagentaMagic- Boscha
Eddinescence- Edric
Emilixer- Emira
LovelyLulu/Chilly.Lily- Lillith
ThornQueen- Viney

I really hope you enjoy this story and all the homosexuality and witchcraft within it! Hopefully I'll get enough energy to write a full-blown fanfiction soon and not just this frozen-baguette of a chatfic. Well, I guess I'll be heading out for now unless there's any more announcements. Byeeeeeeee!

-A sleep-deprived teen

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