for acceptance (part 1)

Start from the beginning

We quickly left his office and decided to go to the nurse together and get some answers from the junior. We entered the room and the boy was awake. He looked at us as his eyes widen in fear and he tried to back up. I raised my hands up in surrender.

"Hey, it's fine. We're not here to hurt you.", he looked at us unsure but decided we were good and dropped his guard.

I went over to his bedside and he looked better up close. He's actually pretty cute but Sunghoon messed up his nose and it's all bruised up.

"What's your name?", I asked him softly as he kept his head down.

"Baekseung.", Baekseung? That's a unique name.

I sat down on the chair near the bed while the other sat further away so they don't scare him.

"Can you tell me why you called me that slur? I promise I will understand.", he glanced at me and covered his face.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad. I know you didn't mean what you said.", I tried convincing him and luckily he trusted me.

"I didn't mean to call you that. It's crush put me up to it."

"Your crush? Is it a girl?", he shook his head and my eyes widened.

He chuckled sadly and I could see tears coming out of his eyes.

"He doesn't know I'm gay and I like him..He's the most homophobic person on the planet and yet I still like him."

His crush beats up him too?

"Does..this crush of yours beat you up?", He turned to me with wide eyes and immediately shook his head.

"No! Of course not!", I put a hand on his shoulder, calming him down.

"I'm sorry for assuming like that.", he sighed and looked away to the window.

I could tell he was lying but I decided not to pry deeper.

"You know you can always come to us if you're in trouble, right? We're your friends now, whether you like it or not.", he looked at me with a blank face for awhile before a small smile took over.

"Thank you. I've never had any friends besides my crush and Riki.."

"Hey, I think I've seen you before..", Jaeyun spoke up, making us look at him.

"You're Shim Jaeyun.", Jaeyun nodded and pointed at Baekseung.

"And you're Lee Baekseung. The boy who keeps hanging out with Sunoo and his boyfriend. You in the Water Polo team too?", My eyes went wide as I looked at him. A skinny boy like him is in the Waterpolo team?

"Yes, I'm in the Water Polo team. I can barely make the bench though. I don't know why Riki and Sunoo-hyung hangs out with me and call me their friend.", I felt sad for him and at the same time, empathy because I was like him not a long time ago.

"We call you our friend because you are.", Riki's voice made us all turn to the doorway to see Riki and his boyfriend standing there. Riki had a frown on his face.

He walked towards the bed and flicked Baekseung's forehead making him squeak.

"What was that for?!", He whined, rubbing his forehead.

"I thought I told you that crush of yours is a bad influence. Why do you still hang around him?"

Baekseung glared at Riki and I knew he was going to explode.

"Because I love him okay?! I love him! There! I said it! We've been best friends since we were little kids and I can't just leave his side like that! Why can't you people understand?!"

Riki looked hurt and Sunoo walked and came to his boyfriend's side.

"Baekseung. I know you love him but he's also a homophobe. Unless you can change his mind, it's best to cut off your friendship. You know I'm right.", Sunoo said without missing a beat.

Baekseung sighed and nodded, looking down at his lap.

"I know. I'm planning to tell him that I'm gay.", I gasped and shook my head.

"No! That's a bad idea. What if he hates you forever?", Baekseung turned to me, smiling sadly.

"I'd rather have that than him hurting my other friends."

"Aww, Baekseung..", Riki started before pulling him into a hug.

"Ow! Ow! My face!", Riki pulled away immediately and glared at Sunghoon. His eyes went wide in fear.

"W-What?", Sunghoon stuttered which I found funny.

"Did you really have to punch him so hard? Join the boxing club for that.", Sunghoon flushed and looked away, embarrassed.

"It's okay. I deserved it."

He turned to me and bowed his head slightly.

"Sorry, Jungwon-hyung. I really didn't mean what I called you. I know it was wrong and I apologise.", I laughed and shook my head.

"It's fine, Baekseung. I know you had no choice. You love him a lot so you'd do anything for him and I get that.

He smiled softly and nodded.

"Can I go home now? My mom must be so worried.."

"Oh! Umm, let me check with the nurse.", Riki stood up and went over to the nurse's office, Sunoo following him like a lost puppy.

I smiled and patted Baekseung's hair. He felt like a brother I've never had.

"You'll survive through this."

He looked up at me and smiled brightly, his face glowing even when it's all bruised.

"Thank you, hyung."

I nodded but I soon hear sounds of clacking on the floor tiles and it was my boyfriend's crutches. He limped over to me and took my arm. I looked up at him in confusion.

"We need to talk.", he said seriously, making me worried.

What could be so important?


a/n : new character! what do y'all think bout baekseung? is he trustworthy or is he kinda sus 👀 i mean he is fruity tho- next part will be him confessing and coming out to his crush/ best friend

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