Kiba watched as Suigetsu packed, "Don't leave, we can talk about this." He frowned as he watched Suigetsu continue to pack, "We have a guest room, I'll sleep there tonight and we can talk in the morning."

"You just broke up with me, what is there to talk about?" Suigetsu could feel a tear run down his cheek. "Are you changing your mind? Because if not, I don't understand what you could possibly want to talk about," he held back the sob that was threatening to come out.

Kiba wanted to reach out and hold him, to try to make things better, but he knew he couldn't. "I want to be friends. I want you to understand why I'm doing this," he tried, but he could tell he wasn't convincing the other man. "You're clearly too emotional right now to talk so I was hoping we could in the morning." He was trying to hide how much it hurt him to say those words, as if he weren't dying on the inside too. He was better at hiding it than Suigetsu, but he was feeling his heart break too. He didn't think it would hurt as much as it did in that moment. He told himself he was doing the right thing, but for some reason it didn't feel that way.

"Too emotional? Maybe you're not emotional enough for someone who claims they love me," he said angrily. "I don't want to talk. I don't want to stay. I want you out of my life," he told him before walking into the bathroom and getting the last of what he needed before zipping his bag. "Let me know when you're out and I'll come get the rest of my things," he told him, walking out the door before Kiba could say anything else. He text Sasuke, telling him he needed to stay with him, but not saying why. He knew it was better to tell him in person.

When Suigetsu arrived at Sasuke and Naruto's house he finally broke down. He let the tears fall as Sasuke held him in his arms, confused as to what was going on. "What happened?" he asked, concerned about his best friend. Naruto stood across the room, just as confused as Sasuke.

"He broke up with me," Suigetsu told him between sobs. The tears he had been holding back ran down his face.

"He did what?" Naruto asked, surprising both of them. They thought if anyone would have known it'd be Naruto. The blond knew why he didn't tell him, because he would have told Sasuke.

"You didn't know?" Sasuke asked. Naruto shook his head, not believing that his best friend actually broke up with Suigetsu. He had known that Aimi and his family had been telling him that he should, but he never thought Kiba actually would. Naruto had told him not to listen to them, that they were just being judgmental and not really thinking about what was best for him, only what was best for themselves.

Suigetsu's phone went off, signaling he had gotten a text message. He only cried harder when he saw Kiba's name across the screen. "Don't look at it," Sasuke grabbed the phone out of his hand. "I'm blocking the asshole," he told him, determined not to let the man hurt his friend more than he already had.

"No," Suigetsu said far too quickly. "Don't, I still need to get my stuff. I told him to text me when he wasn't home so I can go pack up the rest of my things," he tried to explain. They all knew it was more than that though. There was a part of him that wanted to get a text from Kiba saying that he was wrong. He wanted him to say that he was being stupid and that it was a mistake to break up.

"Fine, but after that I'm blocking him and I'm keeping this until then," Sasuke pocketed Suigetsu's phone. "He doesn't deserve you."

Naruto excused himself and Sasuke knew he was probably going to call Kiba. "Tell Kiba I'm going to kill him if I see him," he called out as the blond walked out of the room.

"You can't kill him," Suigetsu told him quietly. "I know I shouldn't, but I do love him," the tears continued to fall, but he was no longer sobbing. He had calmed down, but he still couldn't stop the tears from falling.

"Can I punch him?" Sasuke asked, really wanting to at least punch the man for hurting his best friend. Suigetsu just shook his head before leaning against Sasuke. He didn't want to talk anymore.

Meanwhile, Naruto called Kiba, furious with the man. "Hey Naruto, let me explain," was the first thing Kiba said when answered.

"Explain? What is there to explain other than how much of an idiot you are?" the blond huffed. "What the fuck are you thinking?" Naruto was trying to remain levelheaded but it was hard after seeing how broken Suigetsu had been over what had happened.

"Look, I was talking to Aimi earlier and," he couldn't say anything further because Naruto cut him off.

"Aimi? You listened to her? How many times do I have to tell you that she doesn't have your best interest in mind? I can't believe you broke up with him because of her," he said angrily. He'd never been so mad at Kiba in his life.

"She made me realized I was just confused," Kiba replied lamely.

Naruto just shook his head and chuckled in disbelief, "Confused?" He didn't even know where to begin. "I don't even know what to say to you right now," he told him with a huff. "Just do me a favor and stay away for a little while, at least until I can get Sasuke to calm down. Only text him to let him know that you left so he can get his things."

"I still want to be his friend," Kiba told him sadly.

Naruto frowned, "Kiba, you're never going to be his friend. I understand that your family was telling you that you're not actually attracted to men, but I didn't think you'd be so easily influenced by them." He was disappointed in his friend. "You know that if I thought you really didn't love him then I'd be supporting you right now, but I can't support your decision."

"You're only saying that because of Sasuke," Kiba argued, though he didn't even believe himself.

"No, this has nothing to do with Sasuke. If it did then I wouldn't still be your friend," he told him, knowing that things would be tense between Sasuke and Kiba for a long time. "I'm just disappointed. I thought I knew you better than this." He heard Sasuke trying to calm down his friend in the other room, "I have to go. I'll talk to you later when things clam down a little more." He hung up before Kiba could say anything else. He didn't want to say something he'd regret because Kiba was still his best friend.

"You want something to drink?" he asked when he walked back into the room. Sasuke just shook his head and Naruto knew it'd be best to leave them alone. Naruto understood that he probably just reminded him more of Kiba, so he nodded before walking out of the room. Nothing was going to be the same, he just didn't know how bad it would be. 

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