Chapter 2

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Deanna and Joelle finally made it to Joelle's quarters. Deanna could feel the anxiety the young girl was feeling as the doors to her new room opened. Joelle's eyes grew wide once she saw her room. She entered slowly, looking around and taking in the scene.

"This looks like my old room back home," Joelle said with tears in her eyes. "How did you all know?"

Deanne smiled, feeling Joelle's excitement. "We have our ways. The ship and crew are amazing people to work with. Like I said earlier, we will not hurt you."

Joelle's smile turned into a frown. "Do you think you'll be able to figure out if I can get back home?"

"We are trying," Deanna said, sitting next to the young lady on a sofa. "The Enterprise has top notch scientists. They will be able to find out something. The pod we found you in is being studied right now."

"What can you tell me about the android I saw earlier?" Joelle asked suddenly. "Will he hurt me?"

Deanna chuckled and shook her head. "Data is harmless. He's more curious than anything. He enjoys studying humans and trying to understand our emotions and behavior. If anything, he would be the perfect person to ask curious questions to."

Joelle nodded with a thoughtful expression. "Could I properly meet him?"

Deanna's eyes sparkled. "Of course! I will send for him right now."

Joelle watched as Deanna pushed a little pin on her shirt and called for Data to join the two in Joelle's quarters. Deanna could feel her apprehensiveness. She couldn't imagine what Joelle was going through at this moment. She truly hoped they would be able to find a way to help this young girl.

"Joelle," Deanna said, breaking the silence. "I don't want to frighten you more, but you need to be prepared in case there is no way back home. You will always have a home here on the Enterprise."

Joelle nodded. "I've thought about that as well. But I'm not sure I'm ready to admit defeat if it came down to it. I have friends and family back home."

Deanna nodded her understanding. "I cannot imagine what you're going through right now. But I can assure you I know how you feel. Everything will be okay, just keep thinking positive."

Just then there was a buzz at the door and Data entered. Joelle stared at him with mixed emotions of fear, disbelief and curiosity. She had never seen an android before and the closest she's come to one would be a cellular phone.

"You called for me, Counselor?" Data asked, suddenly making eye contact with Joelle.

Deanna looked from Data to Joelle and nodded. "I believe our guest has some questions for you. Pardon me, I must return to the bridge. Will you be okay, Joelle?"

"I think so..." Joelle said, hesitantly.

Data watched Deanna leave then turned his attention back to Joelle, who stood there visibly shaking. He extended a hand, causing her to step back. Data gave her a curious look.

"I assure you, I am not going to hurt you," he said kindly. "Ask me anything you would like."

There was an awkward silence before Joelle said, "Does Earth still exist?"

"Yes," Data gave a short answer. "But it is not the same Earth you are used to. It is different in many ways."

"So, I guess my parents are no longer living?" Joelle said, looking at her feet with tears in her eyes.

Before Data responded, he studied her facial expression and chose his words carefully as not to upset her even farther. He remembered the Captain instructed him to be careful around her so as not to scare her or cause her worry.

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