Chapter 5 // Pictures

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Byakuya had made his way to the principles office and was now reading a book he picked off the shelf.

"Our victim, Mukuro Ikusaba. The infamous sixteenth student. Member of the mercenary Fenrir Group." Byakuya's eyes widened at what he read next. "She was a super high school level soldier!? Huh? Upon enrollment had no visible scars... That conflicts with Monakuma's report... It said her scars were there for "some time." Byakuya put a finger up to his chin. "So when exactly was she enrolled here?"

However, his thoughts were interrupted when he saw Monakuma in the corner of his eye. "Can I help you?" He asked not bothering to look back. But Monakuma was quiet as he shakily layed down a picture on the wooden floor. When Byakuya did look back, he was gone.


Kyoko sighed as she made it into the locker room. She had found her fathers phone in the box with his skull. It was the only thing she had left of him. Kyoko glanced up, noticing two perfectly kept lockers while the rest were smashed. 'That doesn't seem right...'  Kyoko went up to one of the lockers. It needed a school passport or phone to open it. She glanced at her father's phone. "This should work...right?" she asked herself as she pressed the phone up to the keypad. 

It beeped and the door opened. Inside the locker was filled with books, and on the very last shelf upon everything stood a crystal ball. Kyoko opened one of the books on top. 'Hmm? Notes?' She put the book back in the locker before opening the locker next door. Inside that one, was one small little book. 'Why does this look like my handwriting?' she read the page. 

A plan to turn Hope's Peak High School into a shelter and have the students live together. After much consideration, I'm convinced. I need to address this directly. I will take the matter up with my father. It's time for me to speak up.

Kyoko's eye's widened. "I...I don't remember this... I don't even know who my father was as a person... How?" Kyoko took in a deep breath. "Something is not right..." 


Kyoko walked into the brand new room that Monokuma had just opened. It was a Biology lab. Toko was lying on the floor as if she were dead. "Hmm? Are you alright Fukawa?" Toko pushed herself off the ground. "You bet I am!" Kyoko was not fazed. "Oh. Nice to see you to Genocider Sho." Sho's face scrunched up in displeasure. "Hey, your that brat that has been hanging around my master! You better back off lady! Or I might just have to cut ya!' She pointed her scissors towards Kirigiri. 

"Don't worry. I have no intention to do such thing." Genocide lowered her scissors. "Alright, I'll believe ya for now! But don't think I don't got my eye on you!" Kyoko nodded. Now looking at what had made Fukawa faint. Genocide turned around. "Oh! so that's what she saw! She really does have a small stomach!" she started to laugh. "Ikusaba was flame-broiled to perfection, huh? Like she didn't already look like a friggin' pin-cushion." 

"Except the stab wounds aren't what killed her" Kyoko interrupted, as Genocide kicked the table. "Whatever not any of my problem!"  Genocide left laughing. Kyoko took the chance to glance around the room. "So...this is the morgue...Nine of the freezers in use." Kyoko blinked for a second. "Wait...nine? Where's the-" 

Monokuma laughed from behind her. Kyoko glared at the two-toned bear. "Whoa, ease up there, Nero Wolf. Just wanna help ya." He placed a picture face down on the ground, as he walked away. 

Kyoko rolled her eyes. "Sure you do..." she slowly picked up the picture. All of her classmates were there except for her. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of one classmate. Makoto. He was crossed off, with an X. "Dang... it's like he wanted to remind me..." She bite her lip trying to hold in the tears that wanted to roll down her pale cheeks. 

Her tears were interrupted with an announcement. 

"Stiff upper lip boys and girls! To everything, a season--churn, churn, churn! The night can't go on forever...Cock-a-doodle-doo! Dawn is dawn, even when it's not so golden. Even oddly enough when its pitch black... Eventually, the driving rain trickles down to nothing... Eventually the soil cracks..." 

By the time the announcement was done everyone was on the elevator. The elevator doors opened.

Everyone had a hard time stopping the tears at the slight of Makoto's crossed out face at where he once stood. If only they had done things differently... 

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