Chapter 2 // The Garbage Pit...

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"Huh!? WHAT'S THIS? What's going on!?" Monakuma shouted through the dark." don't think that was alter ego do you?" Asahina whispered quietly. Kirigiri looked down at the ground. "We'll know if that is the case when the lights turn back on..." Asahina nodded.

Suddenly a bright blue light came from the press screen. Alter ego appeared soon after. "A-alter ego!" Byakuya said with wide eyes. "Alter ego!?" Monakuma repeated angrily. "Is this that stupid virus from that stupid guy!?" He growled. "He must have planted it when he invaded my network! Damn it all too hell! I don't believe this!"

Kirigiri smirked to herself, as she crossed her arms. "It seems you finally made a miscalculation. -No you miscalculated from the very beginning." Monakuma brought out his claws even though he had no idea where any of them were. "What was that!?" He yelled out angrily. Kirigiri pointed towards the bright light knowing he was somewhere within the darkness. "What I'm saying is that you shouldn't have underestimated us."

"Hmph! Why are you talking like you already won? I barely felt a thing it was a pinch, an inch! The stupid virus is gone now, got it!? And so is Makoto! Maybe I didn't have the chance to watch Makoto get crushed, but that doesn't mean he still isn't!" Kirigiri glared into the darkness. "You don't know that for sure. He could still be alive." Monakuma laughed. "Fine then. Let's see."

The lights slowly turned back on.




















Gasps were heard from the group, as Monakuma chuckled.

The press was pushed all the way down and had little puddles of pink blood pouring out from beneath it. "See told ya! Still crushed!" Tears flooded Asahina's eyes. "It seems like that alter egos virus was a fluke after all! Oh, how joyful!" Byakuya gritted his teeth. "H-how... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM!" Asahina shouted. Monakuma looked taken back. "Me!? I'm not the one that voted for him! That was all you!" Monakuma laughed. "Oh! I can only imagine what his dying thoughts were! After being thrown under the bus for the second time!"

Everyone's faces paled as they came to a realization.

He was right... it was their fault...the trial was...fake...


"Gh..." Makoto grunted as he slowly opened his eyes. "What an awful smell..." he was in a vast dark cavern, with the slimmest of light seeping in. Trash was piled high all over the place. "Am I...I'm in a trash pit?" Makoto asked himself as he sat up. 'What the heck of a situation to find myself in...' Makoto sighed. 'Am I going to be stuck in here until I die!?'

Makoto got to his feet and shook his head. "No, I can't let that happen. Not after I survived my execution!" Makoto looks up at the giant hole in the ceiling. 'I remember all too well... There was a blackout. And the press stopped just as it was about to crush me...'

"So... I can't give up now..." Makoto smiled. His eyes gazed at the door in front of him. 'What should I do first? That door is most likely locked, and I highly doubt there's any food or water down here...." he took another look around him. 'Maybe I should get some-'


Makoto whipped his head around. 'What...what was that...?" Suddenly someone popped up from the trash bags. "Hey, Makoto!" Junko shouted with a grin." Makoto fell backwards onto a full trash bag of old food. "J-Junko..." he said with wide eyes. "I...I thought you were" "Dead?! I know!" She laughed. "But...but...but how! Monakuma crushed you with spears!" She stood up with her hands on her hips, and a crown on her head. "And hither I bethought it was obvious! I am the Mastermind!"

Makoto's eyes got even wider as he shot up to his feet. "Why.... why would you tell me this?" Junko gave out a royal chuckle. "Because thy nev'r leaving this lodging." Makoto bit his lip. "What do you want with me?"

Junko's mood changed. "Ooo! You finally asked me the fun questions!" She stuck her tongue out and crossed her hands over each other. "I'm asking you to join team despair! Hope boy!" Makoto opened his mouth to say something but Junko cut him off with a new personality. "Don't worry about your classmates, Makoto-san! They haven't given you a single thought since your execution." Makoto narrowed his eyes. "Y-your lying..."

Mushrooms appeared on her head as she played with her hair. "I'm not lying... they really don't care about you. How.... despairing..."

The feeling of betrayal filled Makoto's stomach once more. He didn't understand. Why didn't anyone care?! Why did they not trust him?! His heart rate began to speed up, and he began to sway forward and backwards...

"Ha...haha....hahahahaha....hahahahahahahahahaha" Makoto began to laugh uncontrollable as despair filled his eyes.

"Aww.... it didn't take long for you to fall into despair... I was hoping you wouldn't break so easy.... oh well..." Junko continued to play with her hair. "So we have a deal?" She asked putting a hand over the right half of her face. A crazy smirk appeared on Makoto's face. "Of course we do."

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