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"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S OVER ALREADY." Aurora sighed, resting her head against Francesca's shoulder.

"I know right. It only feels like yesterday that you tripped on your way to the sorting hat and got all tangled in your robes."

"And I looked fantastic whilst I did so."

Francesca grinned as they both looked up at Hogwarts. Their time had finally come to an end, and they had graduated. Time had passed by so quickly and now they were going to be thrown into the real world. There would be no Hogwarts to protect them from the horrors of the war. Everything was going to be different.

"Come on, we don't wanna be late." Francesca mumbled, leading the way from the grounds back to the castle.

They had both received a note before graduation ceremony started that Headmaster Dumbledore wanted to see them in his office before they last for the last time. And they weren't the only ones.

They're whole friendship group had received the peculiar note, and no one could figure out why they had.  But they were all curious to find out.

When they reached the corridor, everyone else was already there, all adorning looks of anticipation.

Upon reaching the group, the gargoyle turned revealing the staircase up to Dumbledore's office.

The door was wide open, and Dumbledore was perched behind his desk. Francesca couldn't help but stare as she walked inside. There was too much going on. The previous headmaster portraits who were watching their every move, but most importantly she could take her eyes off the phoenix in the room.

She'd never seen one before and was absolutely captivated.

With a flick of his wand, Dumbledore had summoned 7 chairs for the group. They each sat down, and Fran found herself sandwiched between Rory and Remus. His arm rested along the back of her chair, his fingers dancing on the edge of her shoulder.

"Thank you for meeting me before your time at Hogwarts comes to end." Dumbledore started. "The conversation that is about to take place, does not leave this room. With that being said, should you wish to decline, you will have no recollection of this conversation."

Fran's eyes widened as her face turned to Remus' at the same time he did as well. So, this was a very serious conversation.

Dumbledore leaned back in his chair watching their reactions before he spoke next. "You are all about to take the next step in your life's away from Hogwarts. A world where people die every day for being who they are. The Ministry isn't helping, so we have to."

Francesca caught James and Sirius sitting up straighter in their seats. She knew they wanted nothing more than to help out.

"There's a group of us, a resistance of sort, that are pushing back. But there's not many of us. We need skilled witches and wizards. We need you."

She didn't miss the look Dumbledore was sending her way. He had focused solely on Francesca as he spoke about skilled witches. Did he know?

There was no way he could. Only her friends knew about her ability. None of the teachers knew so why would he?


"Did we make the right decision?" Remus couldn't help but ask the question to Francesca. He was stood behind her at the bar, his front pressed up against her back. It was their turn to get the round of drinks.

As soon as Dumbledore had let them all go, they headed straight to The Leaky Cauldron to celebrate graduating. 

"Yes." She answered, her head falling back against his shoulder. "Even if I couldn't see glimpses of the future, I would still know this was the right choice. We need to do our part no matter what that is."

"It's going to be hard, but—"

"We can do it." Fran's tone was firm.

They were handed their glasses of Ogden's and carried them all over to the table they had secured at the back of the pub.

"Took you long enough." Sirius said, quickly grabbing his glass and taking a gulp.

"Next time you go up then." Remus suggested, wrapping his arm around Fran's shoulders once they had sat down.

"I could but I fear Rory would just die of loneliness without me."

"You just won't stop, will you?" Aurora's face was annoyed but her voice gave it away that she wasn't.

"Never." Sirius grinned.

Francesca laughed into Remus' shoulder. It was about damn time. Rory had finally kissed Sirius just as they were about to walk into the Leaky.

He had been pestering her all day and she claimed that the only way to shut him up was to kiss him.

But now, he couldn't stop teasing her about it all.

Francesca watched all her friends interact. Aurora was arguing with Sirius, probably over something idiotic and then they would kiss and make up. Remus and Peter were reminiscing over their favourite moments at Hogwarts, whilst James was too busy locking lips with Lily Evans. 

This was probably going to be last time they would all be happy. They'd joined the Order of the Phoenix, all of them, wanting to help fight the war.

Everything was going to get so much harder. People were going to die. Good people were going to die. A lot of people Francesca cared about. She didn't want those futures to come true, but there would be nothing to stop it.

They had to do it.

They had to fight in this war and make it out alive. She knew what the stakes were.

When she had first started seeing Remus and couldn't control her ability. She would catch moments of his life. The good, the bad, the ugly. And she had to make sure that the good came true.

It was those good moments she was fighting for. And there was no way in hell that she was going to let their child grow up in world where The Dark Lord won.

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