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REMUS LUPIN SMILED TO HIMSELF AS HE LOOKED DOWN at the witch resting on his chest. He was leant agains the tree by the Black Lake as Francesca used his chest as a pillow. She was fast asleep, having needed to catch up from barely getting any during NEWTS.

The days at Hogwarts were slowly coming to an end and Remus didn't know what to expect to happen. He would no longer have the Shrieking Shack to transform in every night. But then the boys had already promised that they would find somewhere safe for Remus and be with him every single time.

He was going to move into a flat with Sirius whilst Francesca found somewhere with Aurora. They'd both agreed that they wouldn't live with each other to begin with. They didn't want to jump right into it like James and Lily were going to.

He frowned as he felt Francesca fidgeting in his arms. Her head kept turning and there was sweat forming on her skin.

She was having a nightmare.

"Fran. Francesca." Remus gently called her name, whilst rubbing her arms. He had to wake her up slowly.

" Not him. Please..." Francesca mumbled in her sleep.

Suddenly she jolted awake and was on her feet, standing in a protective stance.

Remus couldn't take his eyes off of her hands. Instead of pulling out her wand, they were glowing red as if she had an orb of red magic in her hands.

When she finally realised where she was and noticed Remus' eyes on her hands she looked down. As soon as she did, the magic disappeared and she was left staring gobsmacked.

"Fran...what was that?" Remus asked, slowly standing up and walking over to her.

"I-I don't know." She whispered. She pulled up her hands, repeatedly turning them over, trying to figure out what happened.

Remus went to grab her hands but she pulled away.

"DON'T!" Her voice cracked and tears fell down. "No, no, no, don't touch me! It could be dangerous, we don't—"

Remus gripped onto her scrambling hands. "You're not dangerous, Fran."

"But we don't know what if—"

"What was your nightmare about?" He cut straight to the point, getting to the root of the problem.

Only the nightmare would have caused her to have such a reaction.

Her hands were shaking in his. "Whose was it, Fran?" Remus pressed, one hand cradling her cheek.

"It was yours."

"I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere." Remus promised, his lips grazed her forehead before he pulled her into a hug.

"I hate this stupid ability."

Remus pulled back and held her at arms length. "Hey, don't say that. You never know what's going to happen."

Francesca mockingly laughed, her hand running through her hair. "Isn't that the whole point? I do know what's going to happen. I see peoples past and futures when I touch them. What use is it if I can't use it to help people?"

Remus went to answer but Francesca continued speaking.

"I'll tell you what it is. A sick fucking joke. Let's give Francesca the cruel ability to see how everyone dies. Let's traumatise this child that will be fun."

"You need to stop thinking like that."

"It's the truth isn't it?" The volume Francesca was speaking at increased, she was nearly hysterical. "How can you even be with someone that knows how your going to die? How all of your friends are going to die?"

"Fran, where is this all coming from?" Remus whispered.

"I can't take it anymore." Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at Remus, her hands twisting constantly. "The nightmares are so constant at the moment, Rory's not gonna make it past twenty and don't even get me—"

"Aurora's going to die soon?"

Only then did Francesca realise what she had said. Her hand went to her mouth. "I shouldn't have said that."

"Oh, Fran." Remus pulled her into a hug once more, not letting go.

No wonder she was freaking out, her best friend was going to die soon and she didn't know when.


Francesca sat beside Aurora at the Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall. By the time dinner rolled around, Remus had managed to calm her down. There wasn't much he could do, but promise to be there for her and try and help her no matter what.

They would try their best to figure out exactly when Aurora was going to die and put a stop to it. They would beat the odds, beat the fate that Aurora was destined to have.

Everyone's heads turned towards the front of the hall, where Headmaster Dumbledore had stood up and was walking towards a podium.

He never made speeches like this in the middle of term.

"There comes a time in life where we all have to make a decision. Is it better to know or to not know? I think you all deserve to know the truth." Dumbledore spoke. He commanded everyone's attention with the sombre mood.

"Professor Jackson was found dead last night in her home in Cornwall. She had gone back for the weekend only to be brutally attacked."

Francesca and Aurora slowly turned to face each other, their eyes wide.

Francesca had predicted something like this would happen. She had called it on the first day of seventh year.

"Many of you know what is out there right now. A war is brewing. We lost a brilliant teacher, who cherished her students and taught them everything she knew all because of her heritage. You should all know that you are in no such danger whilst at Hogwarts, but in times like these, it is time that we all come together. Now more than ever, we should be relying on each other, provide strength for each other."

It was time for them all to decide what side they wanted to be on. The side of light or the side of darkness where if you weren't a Pureblood, you didn't deserve to live.

That was certainly a life, Francesca didn't want to live.

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