Chapter 10 She Was A Skater Girl

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Marco and Jackie went to a few dimensions to show her the sights of other dimensions until they made one final stop before going home, Mewni. Even though Marco brought Jackie to Mewni he wasn't sure exactly why he thought to show her Mewni. He didn't won't to show her the castle but also knew that it might be a good idea to tell Queen Moon and or Star about Heka Jackie. When Marco looked at Jackie he noticed that she was just looking off into the distance as though she was looking for something. "So hey this is Mewni. A place where it's like a medieval carnival all the time." But Jackie wasn't listening to him and was still trying to figure out why this place is formally to her. Marco looked at Jackie and was a bit confused on what she was doing but decided to keep talking. "It's also home for the Magic High Commission to..." Marco was getting annoyed at seeing her not even paying attention. Marco said jokingly to try and get her attention. "And if there is a rainbow you can find a Leprechaun which will grant wishes." Jackie was still staring into the distance. "Hello, Earth to Jackie." Still nothing. Jackie then started to walk forward into the swamps without saying a word. Marco followed her trying to figure out why. Marco decided to clap in her face which did get her attention and he asked her what's going on? She explained to him that she had the strangest feeling to head this way for a reason she couldn't quite explain. Marco was confused by what she meant and he had hoped to maybe show her around. But then Jackie kept going forward asking him. "Can you hear it?" "Hear what?" They both moved forward through thick bushes to find a ceremony in the swamps. A bunch of demons wearing robes were chanting a ritual in a demonic language while some were playing drums and others were putting on powders on the floor to form a hexagram. "What's going on?" Marco whispered but could see Jackie was drawn to the drums and the chanting. Marco grabbed Jackie and shacked her a bit in hopes she was still here. Jackie blinked a few times asking. "What's happening?" Marco asked her while still holding her arms. "Do you know why you came here?" Jackie was scared and she shook head in confusion. But the chanting stopped. "We gather here today for the very special occasion to give tribute to our lords of the underworld. We." But then the head demon stopped speaking and turned his head searching for something. He looked straight at Marco and Jackie from where they were hiding. He raised his hand and demanded that they come forth. They both did as they were told and walked slowly towards them. The head demon moved towards Jackie. "My my I haven't seen a demon quite like you before." He said as he touched Jackie's hair which made her uncomfortable. "You seem conflicted with something don't you child?" Jackie had no idea how to respond as she held her arm. Marco piped up. "Can't you see you making her uncomfortable." The head demon did not take kindly to Marco's tone of voice. He got in Marco's face and shouted at him telling him to know his place. "I was talking to the girl. Not you human." Marco was thrown off and a little scared by him. "Speak freely young demon for there is no judgement among us here." Jackie looks up at the head demon and tries to explain what's going on. "Well you see I'm with my friend Marco here who is trying to help me learn new exper..." The head demon cuts her off. "I can tell when I'm being lied to." Jackie tries to tell him it's not a lie but the head demon goes on. "You are suffering from an internal crisis aren't you?" Jackie takes the moment to think about what to say but only mentions Hekapoo's name. The head demon puts his hand under his chin as he walks around the two. "Ah yes I have heard that name before, a demon who was born of fire and magic from a great magic user." "Glossyrick." Marco remarks. "Yes, that's the one. But unlike us we weren't created from magic but born from flame, which gives us purpose and the ability to choose who we are and what to be unlike her." Marco and Jackie look at each other wondering what he meant. But before anything more could be said a war trumpet is heard which scares off all the demons but Marco and Jackie. Out of the bushes a man on a horse jumps from the bushes in a dramatic fashion to greet the two. "Well don't just stand there applauded." The two slowly clap as the knight gets off his horse. The knight stays walking towards them. "So does anyone know why there is so much noise in this swamp? I'm just trying to relax but then I hear a domenic chanting coming form.." But he stops talking to look at Jackie. "Do I know you from somewhere you look so so familiar." Both Marco and Jackie shake their heads as they don't recognize him. But the knight snapped his fingers. "Ahh yes I remember now you delivered my package a while back didn't you?" Jackie just looked at him trying hard to remember him but told him that she couldn't remember all that much. But the knight did know. "Your name was Jaaaa...Jacklin right?" Jackie responded. "How did you know my name? How does everyone seem to know me but I don't know anyone?" Jackie started to cry and Marco tried to hug and comfort her. "She's been through a bit today, kind of a revelation of sorts I guess." The knight told the two on why he thought people knew her. "I'm sure you must remember me, I gave you a gift when we met. A seashell since I thought you liked them given the necklace around your neck you had." Jackie put her hand to her neck and remembered her old necklace. "My my NECKLACE." She remembered Hekapoo crushing her necklace before she did something to her but she can't remember what. She spoke again. "I loved that necklace. It reminded me of home." Marco looked at Jackie and could see that she remembered something horrible but thought it was better to ask this knight how they met. "Well my young squire." Marco got confused. "Wait, how did you?" But the knight kept talking. "My name is Sir Bell and this young lady here (as he pointed to Jackie) delivered supplies I need to sustain my life out here in the swamps where it's nice and quiet." His cheerful mood when sower. "Until the demons do their rituals." His mood then bounced back up to cheerful. "So then why are you two here?" Marco responded. "I wanted to show Jackie Mewni and the beautiful sites it has." Bell looked at Marco and asked this. "Why are you actually on Mewni?" Marco asked what he meant but Bell said. "I know that's not the reason so tell us the truth." Jackie looked at Marco with fury. "So you brought me here for what? To kidnap me from my home." Marco tried to calm Jackie down. "No no I really did want to show you Mewni but." Marco takes a breath and a sigh. "I needed to get you away from Hekapoo as I knew it was the only way to try and get you to remember who you were before." Bell asked Marco. "Is that everything?" Marco sighed again. "And I wanted to get away from Star. Happy!" "See isn't telling the truth so much better." Bell said to Marco. Bell then proceeded to get back on his horse. "Well I will let you finish your quest and I wish you the best and hope you get your memory back." Bell then charged back through the swamp. Marco looked at Jackie who was annoyed with him and asked her. "Did you want to go home?" Jackie sighed. "No." Marco stood there a little surprised. "I want to go to Earth. That's what you promised." Marco smiled back at Jackie and opened a portal to Echo Creek.

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